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Each game develops a different set of sinews; but what chess-player who has sat with an extended forefinger on the head of his queen for five minutes, before observing the enemy's bishop in the distance and bringing back his piece to safety what chess- player, I say, will deny that the muscles of the hand ridge up like lumps of iron after a month at the best of games?

"Sire," said Mazarin, when dying, "I owe you all, but I can partially acquit myself by leaving you Colbert:" austere Colbert, whose Atlantean shoulders bore the burden of five modern ministries; whose vehement industry, admirable science and sterling honesty created order out of financial chaos and found the sinews of war for an army of 300,000 men before the Peace of Ryswick and 450,000 for the war of the Spanish succession; who initiated, nurtured and perfected French industries; who created a navy that crushed the combined English and Dutch fleets off Beachy Head, swept the Channel for weeks, burnt English ports, carried terror into English homes, and for a time paralysed English commerce.

How similar in inward expression, the rich man who walks yonder, to that poor drudging son of toil, who bows his back and strains his sinews until they ache! How similar in effect the burdens which they both bear the burden of wealth, and the burden of poverty, in the fact that they are burdens upon the heart and the soul!

'Have I the thews and sinews of a man doomed to be beaten in the battle? he asked her. 'No, dearest; Heaven meant me to succeed; and with you to fight for I shall not be beaten by adverse fortune. Can you not trust Providence and me? 'I cannot disobey my grandmother. If she will consent 'She will not consent. You must defy Lady Maulevrier, Lesbia, if you mean to reward my love.

The thought was very often in my mind that I had about the most trying job of anyone in the business. Other managers seemed to me to be paying very little attention, if any, to the detail of settling claims and, of course, had nothing whatever to do with providing the sinews of war.

Well may this suffering hero quote the words of Hyperion: "Oh, I have looked with wonder upon those, who, in sorrow and privation, and bodily discomfort, and sickness, which is the shadow of death, have worked right on to the accomplishment of their great purposes; toiling much, enduring much, fulfilling much; and then, with shattered nerves, and sinews all unstrung, have laid themselves down in the grave, and slept the sleep of death, and the world talks of them while they sleep!

Gould had never thought it worth while to keep watch over her possession of "the nerves and sinews of war," being indeed unwilling to rouse her attention to the fact that she was paying the by no means moderate expenses of both her tyrants.

Not only did the chain of Roman fortresses everywhere cut the nerves and sinews of the land, but the Roman rule, continued for many years, had rendered the inhabitants unused to arms they furnished only a moderate contingent to the Roman armies had appeased their ancient hatred, and had gained over a number of individuals everywhere to the interest of the ruling community.

From all these men, rude as they were, some practical knowledge had been acquired; and their visits, though few and far between, had left good fruit behind them something to think about and talk about and turn to future advantage. The boys had learned from the Indians how precious were the tough sinews of the deer for sewing.

"Keep sober and distrust: these wisdom's sinews!" Of my course and way of life, therefore, you see, I think, what may be called a sketch or outline. Of your own business, however, you frequently write to me, but I cannot at the moment supply the remedy you require.