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I pasted the cutting into a scrap-book, determined that, if I lived to publish my account of those days, I would quote it therein as casting a sidelight upon Chinese character. A Reuter message to The Globe and a paragraph in The Star also furnished work for my scissors.

I stood at his elbow when he swept its emptiness with the ray of his pocket-lamp. There was a speaking-tube fixed between the two rooms! Smith literally ground his teeth. "Yet, Petrie," he said, "we have learnt something. Fu-Manchu had evidently promised Eltham his life if he would divulge the name of his correspondent. He meant to keep his word; it is a sidelight on his character." "How so?"

Nothing less than the complete release of that sucker and tentacle embrace will suffice. As throwing a sidelight on the German complicity in the Armenian massacres, the following is of interest.

The fact that the thing was conceived and executed during the stress of war throws an interesting sidelight on German character." Incidentally, it also throws a further sidelight upon the part played by Leverkusen in the chemical warfare campaign. German Attitude towards Inspection.

"But the inquest won't be held until to-morrow morning, and by then we may know something. And, in the meantime, there's something you might do, Mr. Brent I gather that you're his next-of-kin? Very well, sir, then you might examine his papers private papers and so on. You never know what bit of sidelight you might come upon." "Very good," said Brent. "But I shall want help large help in that.

He was used to a relative prominence in the rural press, but neither this nor the talk with the reporters had prepared him for inch-high capitals on the first page of a metropolitan newspaper. What New Yorkers thought of this particular newspaper was a detail. A Sidelight on the Storm Centre of the Most Picturesque Political Fight in the Empire State.

The importance of this victory could hardly be overestimated. It opened the way to and was followed up by the demolition of the whole German line from the Swiss border to the North Sea, and hastened the great German retreat. In the action itself, September 11 to 13, about 15, Germans were taken prisoner by the Americans. Sidelight stories of what happened in the St.

As a concluding remark, I may mention that my experience of riding has thrown a very interesting sidelight upon a rather puzzling point in history. It is recorded of the famous Henry the Second that he was "almost constantly in the saddle, and of so restless a disposition that he never sat down, even at meals."

Negatively, by abandoning three separate callings, and in making it plain that a professional career did not appeal to him, Walker had thrown a certain sidelight on his character; but actively he never had given any hint that under the thoughtful brow of the young doctor and lawyer there was a mind evolving schemes of empire, and an ambition limited only by the two great oceans.

These statements if true would seem to cast an unpleasant sidelight upon the character of my acquaintance of the Abbey Inn. And I wondered if Martin's mysterious references to certain patrons, whose patronage had damaged his business, might not have referred to the game-keeper.