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"I shouldn't want to live there." "Me either," said Mark. "Can you see a place to land?" called Professor Roumann through the speaking-tube from the engine room to the steering tower. "Yes, we seem to be approaching a fairly level plateau," was Mr. Henderson's reply. "Very well, then, I'll start the repelling machine." The Cardite motor was stopped.

Lane, taking up a speaking-tube. For a few moments nothing was said. The business man went on with the letter he was writing, and Jack looked about him. The office was large and splendidly fitted up. Jack knew nothing of Lane & Baumann, but it was plain on every hand that it was a large and wealthy firm. Mr.

And yet, there's something wrong in this ship. I feel it in me bones." He felt it with a force that was almost violent when Mr. Schultz called down through the speaking-tube late one afternoon and told him to put her under a dead-slow bell.

It was very tall indeed the tallest house in the neighborhood. We entered the vestibule, the outer door being open, and beheld, on one side of us, a row of bell-handles. Above each of these handles was the mouth of a speaking-tube, and above each of these, a little glazed frame containing a visiting-card. "Isn't this cute?" said Euphemia, reading over the cards.

"How can you pretend like this," Tristram exclaimed furiously, "when it fell out of your sleeve? Here it is." "Take me back to the hotel," she said with a tone of ice. "I refuse to go to the theater to be insulted. How dare you doubt my word? If there is a note you had better read it and see what it says." So Lord Tancred picked up the speaking-tube and told the chauffeur to go back to the Ritz.

But a greyhound trembles in the leash. A boiler, trembles when word goes down the speaking-tube from the bridge for "all she's got." And so the mild-looking hakim Kurram Khan, walking gingerly across her rocks, donning cheap, imitation shell-rimmed spectacles to help him look the part, trembled even more than the leg-weary horse he led. But that passed.

Then he went swiftly across to a speaking-tube and snapped: "Polisher!" A trap-door opened in the floor of the shop and a horrible, pallid, weak, cringing man came up out of the earth of St. James's, and knelt before God far more submissively than even the manager had knelt.

We can get something for you at the hotel, perhaps. 'Suppose we go to a supper restaurant? he said. Without waiting for my reply, he seized the dangling end of the speaking-tube and spoke to the driver, and we swerved round and regained the boulevard.

The pilot rang his bell to start, and the wheels turned slowly as Ethan opened the valve. The Woodville moved off from the shore, and Lawry's heart bounded as though it had been part of the engine. He grasped the spokes, and heaved the wheel over; the beautiful craft obeyed her helm. "Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!" shouted Lawry, at the mouth of the speaking-tube.

During the time in which Crab C had had charge of the Adamant no communication had taken place between the two vessels. Whenever an air-pipe had been elevated for the purpose of using therein a speaking-tube, a volley from a machine-gun on the Adamant was poured upon it, and after several pipes had been shot away the director of the crab ceased his efforts to confer with those on the ironclad.