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"What are you getting at?" "One is wondering what these 'wise birds, as tough as they make them' would do if they thought you were as you say getting away with something at their expense as well as the owner's." "What have you seen or heard?" "Positively nothing. This is merely idle speculation." "Well!" Phinuit sighed sibilantly and relaxed. "Let's hope they never find out."

He was gasping, as if nearly suffocated, but retained a wonderful self-control. Once over into the Borderland, and bravery assumes a new guise; the courage which can face physical danger undaunted, melts in the fires of the unknown. Sime, his breath whistling sibilantly between his clenched teeth, hauled himself through the low passage, with incredible speed.

Nevertheless, he examined the Bokhara carefully when we went down, and when I finally went to sleep he was reading the only book in sight Elwell on Bridge. The first rays of daylight were coming mistily into the room when he roused me. He had his finger on his lips, and he whispered sibilantly while I tried to draw on my distorted boots. "I think we have him," he said triumphantly.

Daily he became fainter and fainter from lack of food, and daily, constantly, the winds whispered: "The mouth of Annadoah is very red red as a wound in the throat of a deer . . ." and then sibilantly "softly beats the heart of Annadoah against the bosom of Olafaksoah." Then every fibre of him burned and ached.

There was no audible quarreling among the cabmen, and when you called a cab it was useless to cry "Heigh!" or shake your umbrella; you made play with your thumb and finger in the air and sibilantly whispered; otherwise the cabman ignored you and went on reading his newspaper.

"What a ghastly place!" whispered Chris, and something seemed to catch the whisper and repeat it sibilantly a great many times as if learning it off by heart. "Permit me to precede you," said Bertrand. "You will find it not so narrow in a moment. If you look behind you, you will see the sea as in the frame of a picture. It is beautiful, is it not?" His soft voice and casual words reassured her.

Then she turned and ran like a hare, her yellow silk dress gleaming in the moving ray. Inhaling sibilantly, Max leaped after her. In three strides he found his foot splashing in water. An instant he hesitated. Through the corridor ahead of him sped the yellow figure, and right to the end. The seemingly solid wall opened before her; it was another masked door.

Their breath came and went sibilantly, and the darkness was alive with the excitement they thought themselves too warrior-like to utter. "But what will she do then?" asked somebody. King searched his memory, and in a moment there came back to him a picture of tile hurrying jezailchi he had held up in the Khyber Pass, and recollection of the man's words.

"Who wouldn't, if they got the chance?" "Si?" Eunez commented sibilantly. Naturally, many people besides Eunez Pareta in and about Big Wreck Cove were interested in the coming of the stranger to Cap'n Ira Ball's.

This note of welcome had hardly died away and the echo of the encompassing mountains grown silent, when an agitated murmur of excitement went sibilantly through the throng. A cloud of dust was approaching in the distance, heralding a band of men. A new sound invoked the echoes. The breath was held to hear it. The throb of a drum faint far.