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I always told him, You be a man first, and then you be a preacher, if you want to. Heigh?" "Precisely." March began to feel some compassion for himself in being witness of the young fellow's discomfort under his father's homily. "When we first come to New York, I told him, Now here's your chance to see the world on a big scale.

Polyphemus, who has been regarding me with his one bantering eye from Carlotta's corner on the sofa, leaps to the ground and grotesquely curvets round the room in a series of impish hops. Heigh, old boy? Do the pulsations of the music throb in your veins, too? Come along and let us make a night of it. To the Devil with sleep.

The sun was then shining in his glory, and the scenery in the full tide of the water before us was striking and beautiful; when I asked them, if they knew who made the heavens, the waters, and the earth, and all things that surrounded us, so pleasing to our sight? their reply was, 'We do not know whether the Person who made these things is dead or alive. On assuring them that I knew, and that it was my real wish that they and their children should know also the Divine Being, who was the Creator of all things; and on repeating the question, whether they wished that white man should come and give them this knowledge, they all simultaneously expressed a great desire that he should, laughing and shouting, "heigh! heigh! augh! augh!"

After a discreet interval, Westover said: "Mr. Whitwell, I must say good-night. I've got another day's work before me. It's been a most interesting evening." "You must try it again," said Whitwell, hospitably. "We ha'n't got to the bottom of that broken shaft yet. You'll see 't plantchette 'll have something more to say about it: Heigh, Jackson?"

A voice called, "Heigh, there!" and the boy turned and fled, crashing through the underbrush at a tangent, with his dog at his heels. Westover looked after them, and then came forward. A lank figure of a man at the foot of a poplar, which he had begun to fell, stood waiting him, one hand on his axe-helve and the other on his hip.

Emerging from deliberation, the old man said: 'Ah'm a Hampshireman. 'A capital county! 'Heigh! The old man heaved his chest. 'Once! 'Why, what has happened to it? 'Once it were a capital county, I say. Hah! you asks me what have happened to it. You take and go and look at it now. And down heer'll be no better soon, I tells 'em.

'But, went on the poor woman, 'humble pie goes against me, and think what an amount would be before me heigh ho! after nearly five-and-twenty years; yes, five-and-twenty years it is since Houghton, poor fellow, told me I was too bright and winsome for a little country lawyer's house in a poky street. What would they think of me now? and she laughed with a sound that was painful to hear.

"Call Zeb," she exclaimed. "We are surrounded by Indians." Leland disappeared, and in a moment came back with the negro. "Gorra mighty!" said the latter, in a hurried, husky whisper, "where am de cussed niggers? Heigh, Miss Rosa?" "Keep quiet," she replied, "or you will be heard." "Dat's just what I wants to be, and I calkilates I'll be felt too, if dar are any of 'em 'bout."

"You don't know much 'bout West Jersey, or I guess you 'd have heard of her," surmised Bagby. "'T is n't every girl brings her husband a pot of money and nigh thirty thousand acres of land. Folks tell that before the squire got her, the men was about her like " the speaker used a simile too coarse for repetition. "So ho!" said the traveller. "Byllynge, heigh? Now I begin to understand.

Heigh! Here! Take hold of these, will you?" He caught the sleeve of a facchino who came wandering by, and heaped him with his burdens, and then pushed ahead of the man in the direction of the baggage-room with a sort of mastery of the situation which struck Lanfear as springing from desperation rather than experience. Lanfear stood a moment hesitating.