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Howat was aware of an increasing sulphurous pall, and suddenly the train was passing an apparently endless confusion of great, corrugated iron sheds, rows of towering, smoking stacks, enormous, black cylinders, systems of tracks over which shrilling locomotives hauled carloads of broken slag, or bumped strings of trucks, with reckless energy, in and out of the grimy interiors.

When she was forty-five, perhaps, she might smile on boys, but at twenty-six Olive sat in her little bedroom correcting exercises. It was the drowsy middle of the afternoon and the heat was intense. All the grey-green and golden land of Tuscany lay still and helpless at the mercy of the sun. The birds had long ceased singing, and only the thin shrilling of the locusts broke the August silence.

The shrilling of the wind, the hubbub, the calls of the Valkyries to one another, the galloping of the horses, form a picture which for splendour, wild energy and wilder beauty can never be matched. Technically, this Ride is a miracle built up of many of the conventional figurations of the older music.

Just below the village there are rapids, and a faint murmur comes up from them, but it is borne under by the shrilling of the crickets that have climbed into the osiers and poplars all along by the water's edge.

He was astonied beyond measure at the number of the eagles and their eyries, at the clamour and the shrilling of their cries. He deemed in his heart that never had he gazed upon so beautiful a sight. "Hoel, fair nephew," said Arthur, "very marvellous this water seems in your eyes. Your astonishment will be the more when you look upon yet another mere that I know.

Coppertop's excited voice, shrilling across the garden as he came racing over the grass, put an abrupt end to a scene that was threatening to develop along the familiar tempestuous lines dictated by Antoine's temperament. The child's advent was somewhat differently received by Magda with unmixed relief, by Antoine with a baulked gesture of annoyance.

And then again, like the prick of a wound, the question had touched him, how would she receive him when he came back with the monastic spoils on his beasts' shoulders, and the wail of the nuns shrilling like the wind behind? But by the time that he came back to London he had thought out his method of meeting her.

Her number two falters jars recovers again and pulls stubbornly on. Their "shot" is fired! They can do no more! Done! And so are we! Takia drops the yoke ropes and leans forward on the gunwale! Oars jar together! Big Jones bends forward with his mouth wide wide! Done! But not before a hush a solitary pistol shot then roar of voices and shrilling of steamer syrens tell us that the Cup is ours!

'Umai handan, machibito endan, usemono ninso kaso kichikyo no urainai! The cry of the itinerant fortune-teller. 'Ame-yu! The musical cry of the seller of midzu-ame, the sweet amber syrup which children love. 'Amail' The shrilling call of the seller of amazake, sweet rice wine.

But they were shrilling new directions at him; perhaps they had been calling to him several times. "You blamed idiot, are you goin' to stand there all day? We didn't give you that stump to rest on. Pull it up!" He started with a sense of guilt and tugged up. His fingers slipped off their separate grips, and the stump, though it groaned against the taproot under the strain, did not come out.