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In like manner there appertains unto Supernatural things, all the Water-Spirits, as the Syrens, Succubi, & other Water-Nymphs, with their Relations, as likewise the Terrestrial Spirits, and those which inhabit the Air, who sometimes are heard, seen, or perceived, sometimes foretelling Death or other Disasters, sometimes they discover by their Apparition Riches and good Fortune in certain places, and the Fiery Spirits appertain here also, which appear in a fiery shape, or like a burning Light; all these are Spirits having untangible Bodies, yet are they not such Spirits as the right Hellish Spirits, who hunt after mens Souls as an Eternal Jewel, even as the Infernal Lucifer, the Devil and his Dependents do, who were ejected with him; but these are such Spirits which are above Nature, set before Men for admiration, and are only maintained by the Elements, whereby they are nourished and fed; but when this Earthly world shall cease, they also shall decay and vanish with it, because they have no Souls to be saved.

Well! these pretty syrens were delighted to seize upon us, and pressed our visit to their parlour with a sweetness that I know not who would have resisted. We had no such intent; and amply did their performance repay my curiosity, for visiting Venetian beauties, so justly celebrated for their seducing manners and soft address.

The scent of the sea came through the window, and the air was like a cordial it intoxicated; and looking across the bay one seemed to be looking on the very thing that Whistler had sought for in his Nocturnes, and that Steer had nearly caught in that picture of children paddling, that dim, optimistic blue that allures and puts the world behind one, the dream of the opium-eater, the phrase of the syrens in "Tannhaeuser," the phrase which begins like a barcarolle; but the accompaniment tears underneath until we thrill with expectation.

so accurately translated by Doctor Warton, who would not reject the epithet bull-faced, because he knew it was given in imitation of the Thessalian river Achelous, that fought for Dejanira; and Servius, who makes him father to the Syrens, says that many streams, in compliment to this original one, were represented with horns, because of their winding course.

Do they sing, Behold how brightly breaks the morning with Masaniello? Do they laugh at Ulysses and skip ashore to the Syrens? Has Mesrour, chief of the Eunuchs, caught them with Zobeide in the Caliph's garden, or have they made cheese cakes without pepper? Friends of my youth, where in your wanderings have you tasted the blissful Lotus, that you neither come nor send us tidings?

Fishing in Le Morvan The naturalists The Gour of Akin The English lady The mountain streams Château de Chatelux Sermiselle New mode of killing pike Pierre Pertuis The rocks and whirlpool there The syrens of the grotto Château des Panolas The Cousin The ponds of Marot and lakes of Lomervo Mode of taking fish with live trimmers The Scotch farmer.

"I have heard Pericles," said the most dissipated and voluptuous man in Athens, "and other excellent orators, but was not moved by them; while this Marsyas this Satyr so affects me that the life I lead is hardly worth living, and I stop my ears, as from the Syrens, and flee as fast as possible, that I may not sit down and grow old in listening to his talk."

He lingered longest in Italy, but he said his conscience accused him of yielding to the syrens; and he declared that his life was running uselessly away. At last he came to England. He was charmed with everything, and the climate was even kinder to him than that of Italy. He went to all the famous places, and saw many of the famous Englishmen, and wrote that he felt England to be his home.

Other girls handed us each a cup, in which was a liquid not unlike saffron water in colour and in taste. They use neither milk nor sugar, and the cups are so provokingly small, that it is only by keeping our attendant syrens under the most active employment, that we are at last able to say we have tasted it.

You, O Lovers, who seek to be Livry men of the great Company, and aim to possess the pleasures of Marriage, have a care of the inchanting voices of these crafty Syrens, because they intend to batter you upon the Scylla and Charibdis where the Hellish Furies seem to keep their habitation.