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He could see, too, and hear distinctly the clink of money as it changed hands, the busy crowd of whites and blacks shoving, pushing one another, and the chaffering and swearing at the stalls. Somehow, the sound, more than anything else had done, wakened him up, made the whole real to him. He was done with the world and the business of it.

The Ladies fled, dropping their cherished sewing, shoving one another in a most Unladies-Aid-like way. And there, beneath a chair, squatted the cause of the confusion, an innocent, unhappy, blinking toad! "Oh, Larkie!" This was a prolonged wail. "It's all right, Prue, honestly it is," urged Lark with pathetic solemnity. "We didn't do it for a joke. We're keeping him for a good purpose.

Germany has now learned and the lesson was apparently needed, obvious as it would have been to a sanely governed nation that when it comes to shoving and shooting, Germany instantly loses all the advantages of her high civilization, because France and England, cultured or uncultured, can shove and shoot as well or beter than she, whilst as to slashing and stabbing, their half barbarous Turco and Ghoorka slaves can cut the Prussian Guard to bits, in spite of the unquestionable superiority of Wagner's music to theirs.

The president of the Purity League retired to his sanctum, slightly mollified. Mary had not been at her post long when a messenger came in with a telegram. "Mr. Trubus!" he said, shoving the envelope at her. She signed his book, and knocked at the door. There was a little delay, and the worthy man opened it impatiently. "I do not want to be interrupted, I am going over my accounts."

She saw the priest offer the crucifix to the mouth of the marionette, which with a clumsy unhuman shoving of its corded shoulders butted the thing away. And as the procession turned and stopped she could plainly see that the marionette's nape and shoulders were bare, his shirt having been slit. It was horrible. "Why do I stay here?" she asked herself hysterically. But she did not stir.

At every bound the buckskin gains upon the runners in front, but when level with the Demon, Ike steadies him down, for he would not be guilty of the bad taste of "shoving his nose into another man's fight," nor would he deprive the little mare, who carried the fortunes of the men of the west, of the glory of her victory. The riot that follows the race passes description.

You couldn't tell to save you whether the little one was pulling the big one or the big one shoving the little never saw a relief train start out in such shape in my life." Gunderson was evidently enthusiastic over the marriage of his little girl.

That's right," he ended soothingly, seeing that she neither spoke nor moved, "Just sit right down here and be comfortable. It must be cold driving. Let me give you a glass of sherry." He fussed about, shoving forward an armchair, arranging pillows, unstopping the decanter. "You fool!" she ejaculated in a low voice. She looked him all up and down, and turned to go. The door was locked!

'At your service, Sir, said Mary Matchwell, dropping a demure courtesy, and preparing to sail by him. 'Not so fast, Ma'am, if you please, said Toole, astonished, but still sternly and promptly enough. 'In with you, Moggy, and bar the kitchen door. And shoving the maid back, he swung the door to, with a slam.

Immediately after the dismissal of the school, while the boys still lingered on the playground, Shorty stalked up to Bob Brandon, and told him if he didn't stop shoving Bert Lloyd out of his proper place in the classes he would punch his head. Whereat Bob Brandon laughed contemptuously, and was rewarded with a blow on the face that fairly made him stagger.