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He's born to borrow, Bill says; though at Hamlet or Seven Nights in a Bar-Room he beats the band. But as I said to his wife, 'Why shouldn' Mr. 'Ucks keep your caravan against what you owe, an' loan you a barge?

Mister Wes'cott," said Dave, growing red, "you're a-makin' a little too free." "Oh! the Shawnee chief shouldn' git mad. He! he! by George! wouldn' git mad fer ten thousand dollars. I wouldn', by George! you know! he! he! Ef I was worth ten thousand dollars live weight, bide and tallow throw'd in, I would "

The girl expressed no surprise whatever: indeed to goodness she shouldn' wonder, so there; her father was a druid, miss, indeed and had told her about it when she was a child. We have collateral evidence, in Nennius, I believe, for the existence of several famed poets among the Welsh at that time; and Tallesin' is one of the names mentioned.

I shouldn' wonder a mite if Mis' Peasley bought that hat now. She's been kind o' hankerin' arter it, the last two or three times she was in here; but every time she tried it on, she'd say No, 'twas too showy, she guessed. Wal, I do say, you make a gret mistake not goin' into the trade, for you're born to it, that's plain.

Besides, I've surely been told somewhere in the 'Child's Guide to Knowledge, it may have been that the females don't talk at all." "Are you sure of that?" "Pretty sure. It was something unnatural anyhow; or I shouldn' have remembered it."

"I find the light spade handier to carry," explained Nicky-Nan in some haste. "But you haven't answered my question." "Well, if you must know, I'm kissin' goodnight to 'Bert here. They've started him upon coast-watchin', and he's given this beat till ten-thirty, from the watch-house half-way to the Cove. I shouldn' wonder if he broke his neck."

"Reck, ol'fel'," and his voice broke with a sob, "if I got you into hole, I'd jump in hole after you, and I'd and I'd pull hole in after both of us, and then I'd I'd tell hole you was bes' fren' ev' had, and " "Come along and behave," cut in the victim of this devotion shortly. "Don't be a fool." Strong lifted a fatherly forefinger. "Naughty naughty! Shouldn' call brother fool.

She still called Judith her lamb, and after folding her to her portly breast was not likely to feel any tremors when she held her off to gaze at her. "You'm gone through somethen' since I saw 'ee, my dear," she announced candidly. "There's lines under your pretty eyes that dedn' belong to be there. I shouldn' wonder if it wasn't the men as had putt en there.

Kitt's, but just out o' sight; or perhaps we'd passed a peep of it in the night-time. Well, as you'll be guessin' the boat was pretty nigh to one o' these islands, or I shouldn' ha' heard the wash. Half a mile off it was, I dessay, an' a pretty big wash. This was caused by the current, no doubt, for the wind was nex' to nothin', an' no swell around the boat.

She fell in love with this young man of hers, and their banns were asked in some church in London; and the old lord her father actually heard 'em asked the three times, and didn't notice her name, being gabbled on wi' a host of others. When she had married she told her father, and 'a fleed into a monstrous rage, and said she shouldn' hae a farthing.