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Becky rushed from the room and Shosshi heard her giggling madly on the staircase. It dawned upon him that he had displayed bad taste in his selection. "What have you done to my child?" Mrs. Belcovitch inquired. "N-n-othing," he stammered; "I only brought her some of my work to see." "And is this what one shows to a young girl?" demanded the mother indignantly.

One is a thick one and one is a thin one, and so one goes about." Shosshi expressed his sympathetic admiration and the courtship proceeded apace. Sometimes Fanny and Pesach Weingott would be at home working, and they were very affable to him. He began to lose something of his shyness and his lurching gait, and he quite looked forward to his weekly visit to the Belcovitches.

And yet Pesach Weingott played the fiddle merrily enough when she went to Becky's engagement-party in her dreams, and galoped with Shosshi Shmendrik, disregarding the terrible eyes of the bride to be: when Hannah, wearing an aureole like a bridal veil, paired off with Meckisch, frothing at the mouth with soap, and Mrs.

Becky was not with them; moreover she defiantly declared she would never be at home on a Sunday till Shosshi was married. They circumvented her by getting him up on a weekday. The image of Becky had been so often in his thoughts now that by the time he saw her the second time he was quite habituated to her appearance.

The terribly fine maid gave a kind of snort and resumed her inspection of the ceiling. Gradually Shosshi found himself examining her again. Verily Sugarman had spoken truly of her charms. But overwhelming thought had not Sugarman also said she loved him? Shosshi knew nothing of the ways of girls, except what he had learned from the Talmud.

Shosshi gathered up his specimens in his arms and fled through the door. Becky was still in hilarious eruption outside. The sight of her made confusion worse confounded. The knobs and rockers rolled thunderously down the stairs; Shosshi stumbled after them, picking them up on his course and wishing himself dead. All Sugarman's strenuous efforts to patch up the affair failed.

His head drooped over his left shoulder. "This is all foolishness you talk, the maidens make mock." "Be not a piece of clay! I know a maiden who has you quite in affection!" The blush which had waned mantled in a full flood. Shosshi stood breathless, gazing half suspiciously, half credulously at his strictly honorable Mephistopheles.

But she preferred her first husband," said Mrs. Belcovitch laughing, "and followed him only four years after Shosshi's marriage. Shosshi has now all her money a very seemly and honorable youth." "But will it come to anything?" "It is already settled. Becky gave in two days ago. After all, she will not always be young. The Tanaim will be held next Sunday.

Sugarman was rarely remiss in the offices of piety and he was nigh murmuring the prayer at the sight of monstrosities. "Blessed art Thou who variest the creatures." But resisting the temptation he said aloud, "I have something to tell you." Shosshi looked up suspiciously. "Don't bother: I am busy," he said, and applied his plane to the leg of a stool. "But this is more important than stools.

Perhaps you would like to come and see the betrothal contract signed. The Kovna Maggid will be here, and there will be rum and cakes to the heart's desire. Becky has Shosshi in great affection; they are just suited. Only she likes to tease, poor little thing. And then she is so shy. Go in and see them, and the cupboard with glass doors." Esther pushed open the door, and Mrs.