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We've worruked togither guidin' more than wance, and nivver a bit av a quarrel did we have. Oi'd not tell ye a loie, an' Oi want ye to know thot Frank Merriwell will rake these mountains down an' lay them level av he don't foind thot girrul. It's a big oath he has taken to make anny wan shmart thot has caused her wan minute av distress."

Repeating its name, he again demanded "vot dat was." This time they answered readily, and his eyes sparkled with pleasure. "Shmart boys," said he, approvingly. "You learns well, now. One dese days " Hans Vanderbum's words were cut short by the sudden sharp explosion of his pipe, the bowl being shattered in a hundred pieces, while nothing but the stem remained in his mouth.

"'Fwat, ould Skinner Adams? sez me bould lad, kind av contempshus-like, 'Humph! at shtringin' out four I have Skinner Adams thrimmed tu a peak. We was dhrivin' from th' station tu th' detachmint same like tu we're doin' now. Whin we gits in I unhitches an' puts up th' team. 'Give us a hand tu shling th' harniss off! sez I tu him an' me shmart Aleck makes a shtab at ut wid th' nigh horse.

His eyes glittered dangerously and his wide mouth wreathed into an unholy grin, "'Tis a shmart man that iver puts ut over on me at th' Orderly-room. . . Fwhy du I not sind him into th' Post? . . . eyah! fwhy du I not? . . ." Chin sunk on his huge chest, he mused awhile. George waited. "Listen, bhoy!" A terrible earnestness crept into the soft voice.