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We found thim frozen. . . . A blizzard had shprung up, but we shtrapped th' stiffs on th' sled an' mushed ut oursilves tu save th' dogs. "I am a big man, an' shtrong . . . . but Yorkey was th' betther man av us tu that night havin less weight tu pack. I was all in dhrowsy, an' wanted tu give up th' ghost an' shleep an' shleep. . . . Nigh unto death I was. . . ." The murmuring voice died away.

But Oi'd cross hell on thin ice in July to folly a McKim wanst more, an' if to do ut Oi must cook f'r Appleton's camp, thin so ut is. Git ye some shleep now whilst Oi loaf down to Burrage's." When Bill awoke, yellow lamplight flooded the room and Daddy Dunnigan was busy about the stove, from the direction of which came a cheerful sizzling and the appetizing odor of frying meat and strong coffee.

Reardon waited until he was certain the fellow was sipping his coffee in the galley; then with the utmost nonchalance he went up on the bridge and hailed Mr. Schultz, who was standing amidships blowing on a cup of coffee. "Begorra," he complained, "Divil a wink can I shleep to-night.

Old Patsy knew a lot about sickness and wounds. "Py cosh, dot vos lucky for you, alreatty," he had pronounced. "So you don't git plood-poisonings, mit fever, you be all right pretty soon. You go to shleep, yet. If fix you oop till der dochtor he cooms. I seen fellers shot plumb through der middle off dem, und git yell. You ain't shot so bad. You go to shleep."

George, did you, Oh, did you, close the sluice-gate when you came home?" He was half asleep, and too defiant from drink to take his usual course. "Sure!" he said. "Sweesish mushich ever hearsh. Push me shleep." He fell back on the pillow and went on sleeping. Kate tried again to waken him, but he struck at her savagely.

Understanding that it was expected he should give some explanation, he said: "I see'd de Injin last night, and he gived me something dat he said I musht eat and mix wid my fish. I done so, and it made me, and Keewaygooshturkumkankangewock, and Quanonshet and Madokawandock go to shleep, and shust now we wakes up and de gal ain't here!"

Maybe he wasn't failin' roight, or th' liquor didn't look good enough fer um. Oi'll thry um agin." Bill threw off the blankets and sat up on the edge of the bunk. "That grub smells good, Daddy," he sniffed. "Aye, an 'twill tashte good, too, av ye fly at ut befure ut gits cold. Ye've had shleep enough fer two min Captain Fronte'd git along fer wakes at a toime on foorty winks in th' saddle."

It was about three o'clock in the morning when the red-haired person, coming down belatedly to close the front doors, saw a shapeless heap on the porch surrounded by a radius of white-wax candles, and going up shoved at it with his foot. Whereat the heap moved slightly and muttered "Lemme shleep."

You should shleep, baby greenhorns...!" A large man with shovel teeth ambled over. Frank managed half to rise. He met the blow and gave some of it back. Ramos was doing likewise, gamely. Then Nelsen's head zeroed out again in a pyrotechnic burst... He awoke to almost absolute silence, and to the turning of the whole universe around him.

Ven all der vorld iss at peace, all der vorld goes to shleep." Police headquarters looked all but deserted on Friday morning. There had been "something doing" in Zone criminal annals the night before, and not only "the Captain" but both "the Chief" and the Inspector were "somewhere out along the line." I sat down in the arm-chair against the wall.