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Frank, with his fund of ready wit, instantly jumped to the floor, and sang out: "Well, put on your gloves again; I'll try you one more round before supper!" When the door closed on us we had a good laugh, as we had frequently indulged in, when sitting there in that awkward, shirtless, expectant predicament.

During the dreadful passage of a hot wave from the West one may count them by the dozens, coatless and even shirtless wretches, lying prone on the flag-stones like fish made ready for the grid. Occasionally, a street-cleaning "White Wings" will be compassionate enough to open a fire-hydrant, under pretence of flushing the gutters, and then, for a few minutes, there is joy in Abingdon Square.

They fought as men should fight, in the pungent half-gloom, colliding or falling prone as the vessel pitched, eyes fixed straight ahead, following the powerful silver lines of water which ribbed the dark and splashed against the steaming steel; white-yellow smoke spirals writhed about their heads like some grotesque saraband; coatless, shirtless, their streaked, sweating bodies gleamed dull and ghastly.

"Then the bailiff will sit yonder within a year, for he is but a starved Irish peer." "He lives to-day as though he would be rich tomorrow. He bids for fame and fortune, Davy." "'Tis as though a shirtless man should wear a broadcloth coat over a cotton vest." "The world sees only the broadcloth coat. For the rest " "For the rest, Faith?" "They see the man's face, and " His eyes were embarrassed.

"Then the bailiff will sit yonder within a year, for he is but a starved Irish peer." "He lives to-day as though he would be rich tomorrow. He bids for fame and fortune, Davy." "'Tis as though a shirtless man should wear a broadcloth coat over a cotton vest." "The world sees only the broadcloth coat. For the rest " "For the rest, Faith?" "They see the man's face, and " His eyes were embarrassed.

The boys have been debating at school the Philippine question, and it was decided unanimously that the President is up against a tough proposition, and if he does not stop looking at the political side of that war and send troops enough to eat up those shirtless soldiers, who can live on six grains of rice and two grains of quinine a day, we are going to be whipped out of our boots.

In consequence of which haze of sand, perhaps, it was always irregular, and always latent with dismal penalties of going back or not going forward, which were only to be abated by the silver crossing of a base hand, poked shirtless out of a ragged uniform sleeve.

Monitaya's outguards had failed and the malocas were surrounded. Loping from the bush fringing the stream came a score of yellow-faced, shirtless, barefooted brutes crisscrossed with cartridge belts and gripping rifles. At their head loomed a burly black-whiskered creature with a revolver in each hand the malignant Schwandorf himself.

He is next seen shirtless, the once very haughty, blustery, and now much-humiliated man; still conscious of supreme acumen, insight and pure science; and, though an Austrian prisoner and a monster of rags, struggling to believe that he is a genius and the Trismegistus of mankind. What a pickle!

Among his patients was the child of the Shiek's daughter for even this poor, ragged handful of sores and sin has its royal Shiek a poor old mummy that looked as if he would be more at home in a poor-house than in the Chief Magistracy of this tribe of hopeless, shirtless savages.