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Quoth Shirin, "If thou wilt, I will contrive thee a means to get it back from him." Quoth he, "How so?"; and she said, "Call back, if thou so please, the fisherman and ask him if the fish be male or female. Khusrau laughed at his clever reply and ordered him other four thousand dirhams.

Majnun, a lover famed in eastern romance, who long pined in unprofitable love for Laili, an ugly hard-hearted mistress. The loves of Yusuf and Zulaikh@a, Khusru and Shirin, also of Laili and Majnun, are the fertile themes of Persian romance. The Muhammadans reckon their day from sunset.

A rarer and more curious type of coin, belonging to this monarch, presents on the obverse the front face of the king, surmounted by a mural crown, having the star and crescent between outstretched wings at top. The legend is Khusrui mallean malka afzud. Otherwise we might have supposed that the uxorious monarch had wished to circulate among his subjects the portrait of his beloved Shirin.

His supposed Leaning towards Christianity. His Wives, Shirin and Kurdiyeh. His early Wars. His Relations with the Emperor Maurice. His Attitude towards Phocas. Great War of Chosroes with Phocas, A.D. 603-610. War continued with Heraclius. Immense Successes of Chosroes, A.D. 611-620. Aggressive taken by Heraclius A.D. 622. His Campaigns in Persian Territory A.D. 622-628. Murder of Chosroes.

And if thou give him less, he will say, "He makes light of me and gives me less than he gave the fisherman." 'Thou art right, rejoined Khusrau; 'but the thing is done and it ill becomes a king to go back on his gift. Quoth Shirin, 'An thou wilt, I will contrive thee a means to get it back from him. 'How so? asked he; and she said, 'Call back the fisherman and ask him if the fish be male or female.

Now the King and Shirin were looking on, and the latter said, 'O King, didst thou note the meanness and greediness of yon man, in that he must needs stoop down, to pick up the one dirhem, and could not bring himself to leave it for one of the King's servants? When the King heard this, he was wroth with the fisherman and said, 'Thou art right, O Shirin! So he called the man back and said to him, 'Thou low-minded fellow!

Farhad is equally celebrated as an unhappy amant who perished for Shirin. The word salam, "salutation," is used idiomatically in the sense of our terms "compliments" or "respects," &c. And in that sense it has now become, in India, adopted into the English language. The marriage portion here alluded to is not to be taken in the vague sense we attach to the term.

If I had done more, the water-carrier had done more. And this became a current byword among the folk. When he was gone, Shirin said to the King, 'Thou hast done ill. 'Wherefore? asked he; and she answered, 'Because if, after this, thou give one of thy courtiers a like sum, he will disdain it and say, "He hath but given me the like of what he gave the fisherman."

Several other tyrannical acts are alleged against him; and it is said that he was contemplating the setting aside of his legitimate successor, Siroes, in favor of a younger son, Merdasas, his offspring by his favorite wife, the Christian Shirin, when a rebellion broke out against his authority.

The accounts given of his seraglio imply either gross sensualism or extreme ostentation; perhaps we may be justified in inclining to the more lenient view, if we take into consideration the faithful attachment which he exhibited towards Shirin.