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He had seen all sorts of people at the draw-wells of the houses-British, Spanish, French, South American, Creoles, and here and there a Maroon, and the everlasting negro who sang as he worked: "Come along o' me, my buccra brave, You see de shild de Lord he gave: You drink de sangaree, I make de frichassee "

He had no ascertainable eyebrows, or eyelashes, or hair, and this, with his bright, fresh complexion and his big spectacles, gave him a very unworldly appearance. "Oh, Miss Slobham," he said, "I haf been so much mofed wid de story of dis poor Indian! He iss a shild of nature. He hass been so quiet, and so goot and so sad! I haf talked to him by de hour, and he hass not interroopted me vonce.

"God forgive me!" exclaimed the old man, suddenly pausing, as he was about to thrust the last morsel into his mouth; "hunger makes me selfish. I wass forgettin' that you are starvin' too, my tear. Open your mouth." "No, father, I don't want it. I really don't feel hungry." "Elspie, my shild," said old Duncan, in a tone of stern remonstrance, "when wass it that you began to tell lies?"

I'd sooner pay folks to tind their work whatever it cost." "'Tis true for you," agreed Mrs. Kilpatrick. "What'll ye do wit' the shild, now she's no chance of pay, any more?" asked Mary relentlessly, and poor Maggie's eyes grew dark with fright as the conversation abruptly pointed her way. She sometimes waked up in misery in Mrs.

"Ach! dey vill not do!" ejaculated Master Herman, spreading out his fat fingers and beringed thumbs. "Then belike we must de jewels try. It is a young lady, de shild? Gut! den look you here. I have it. Look you here!" And from an iron chest, locked with several keys, Master Herman produced something wrapped carefully in white satin, and took off the cover as if he were handling a baby.

"Suan no hurry; shild no hurry; master no hurry: come last of all." "I tell you, Suan, I want to see him. And I am not accustomed to be kept waiting. My dear father insisted always But oh, Suan, Suan, he is dead I am almost sure of it." "Him old man quite dead enough, and big hole dug in the land for him. Very good; more good than could be. Suan no more Inglese."

Now you see, mine patron for I will not conceal mine secret from you at all you see this little plate of silver; you know de moon measureth de whole zodiack in de space of twenty-eight day every shild knows dat. Then upon this side I make de table of de moon, which is a square of nine, multiplied into itself, with eighty-one numbers on every side, and diameter nine dere it is done very proper.

I told you dem boots would be your ruin." I was much too miserable to reply; and only cast my eyes towards the roofs of the houses, which I could not see for the tears. "Vat! you begin to gry and blobber like a shild? you vood marry, vood you? and noting vood do for you but a vife vid monny ha, ha but you vere de pigeon, and she was de grow. She has plocked you, too, pretty vell eh? ha! ha!"

"The master is coming to see you, shild," Suan said to me one day, when I had sat up and done my hair, and longed to be down by the water-fall; "if, if too much Inglese old Suan say no more can now." "If I am ready and able and willing! Oh, Suan, run and tell him not to lose one moment." "No sure; Suan no sure at all," she answered, looking at me calmly, as if there were centuries yet to spare.

Give me one last look at me darlin' lad wid his swate Biddy an' the shild. Oh that I live to see this day!"