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Yet, singularly enough, it was not the cowboy, mounted on his half-broken bronco that interested Jim; not the ranch wagon, piled high with farm produce, women, and children; not even the Lame Gulch "stage," a four-seated wagon, so crowded with rough-looking men that their legs dangled outside like fringe on a cowboy's "shaps," none of these sights made much impression on the sick man at his upper window.

It was a mixed masculine multitude, fairly typical of time, place and occasion; stalwart men of the soil for the greater part, bearded and bronzed and rough-clothed, with here and there a range-rider in picturesque leathern shaps, sagging pistols and wide-flapped sombrero. Loring stood aside and put up his eye-glasses.

She whispered a moment eagerly, added a word, and pushed his head away. For a minute he stood there, thinking ponderously; then very deliberately he pulled his six-shooter out of his shaps and handed it over to her. "All right," he said, "but say" he beckoned her with an inexorable jerk of the head "what do I git, now?"

The boy, in his belled spurs and "shaps" of goat-hide, was lounging disconsolate and sulky against one of the front counters; she wore a striped ulster, an enchanted garment his arm had pressed, and a pink crocheted tam-o'-shanter cocked bewitchingly over her dark eyes.

Next that comes will be the shaps of my twos I mean the taps of my shoes!" "It's Rattles!" laughed Frank, softly; "and he is sicker than ever. He's tried to crawl out to get some air." At this moment a man opened the door near Rattleton, and asked: "Is the ah er moon up yet?" "I don't know," moaned Harry. "But it is if I swallowed it. Everything else is up, anyhow."

Where the punchers that he hired for thirty dollars a month were decked out in shaps and handkerchiefs he sat in his shirt-sleeves and overalls, with only his high-heeled boots and the enormous black sombrero which he always wore, to mark him for their king.

"Well, since you insist," he said, and very sternly he thrust the redeemed weapon back into his shaps. A change came over him as he regarded her; there was an austere tightening of his lips and his eyes glowed with a light that Kitty had never seen before. "That was a rough deal you gave me, girl," he said, his voice vibrant with anger, "and I ain't forgotten it.

Looking down at the chaparejos that he had been so proud of, sadly abbreviated to make boots for Nig, jagged here and there, and with fringes now not all intentional, it suited him to pretend that the "shaps" had suffered most. "Yes, the ice takes the kinks out." "Whether the thing that's happened is good or evil, I don't pretend to say," the other went on gravely, staring at the river.

I have to put them on once in a while." "If I accept your invitation to come and see your place, will you 'dress up' in them?" "Of course, if it'd please you. But I'd feel a fool rigging myself out just to show off, like an actor." "Yet, that's the bribe you'll have to offer if you want me to pay you a visit." "It's settled then. I hope the moths haven't got my 'shaps' since I had 'em on last."

About the fire, most of them wearing "shaps" and all of them wide, hard-brimmed cowboy hats, the men grouped themselves, some reclining upon skins thrown upon the ground, some standing, some sitting, smoking, laughing, chatting, all in highest spirits and humor. They had just got through with their season of arduous and, at times, dangerous toil.