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Then Jeanne d'Ys took my hand in both of hers and told me how with infinite patience the young falcon was taught to perch upon the wrist, how little by little it became used to the belled jesses and the chaperon a cornette. "They must first have a good appetite," she said; "then little by little I reduce their nourishment; which in falconry we call pat.

But when camped at the edge of the timber on some mountain meadow, with his ponies grazing in the starlit dusk, when the little, leaping flame of his night fire flung ruddy shadows that danced in giant mimicry in the cavernous arches of the pines; when the faint tinkle of the belled pack-horse rang a faëry cadence in the distance; then there was no such thing as loneliness in his big, outdoor world.

But a glimpse of their bestial, vice-ridden faces was enough to remove any regret for their deaths. The Tube was shattered. Its mouth was belled out and broken by the explosion of the grenades hung within it. A part of the metal was molten from the thermit, past question.

The niggers over on the other side are right smartly worked up over it. They say the niggers do that when the Belled Buzzard comes it's a sign of bad luck for somebody, shore!" The constable drove on, talking on, garrulous as a guinea hen. The squire didn't heed him. Hunched back in the buggy, he harkened only to those busy inner voices filling his mind with thundering portents.

A brass bell from VallŽcy! Still he did not understand. He took the object up again and scrutinized it, its meaning dawning slowly. VallŽcy! That was the village where he and Hermia had stayed with Mre GuŽgou. There was the garden of the golden roses where The bell! It was from Hermia's head-dress the belled cap of the Femme Orchestre! He knew it now. It was a token.

The Disan jerked a belled tube from his waistband and raised it to his mouth. Brion didn't fire. A dead man had taught him how to train his empathetic sense, and to trust it. In spite of the fear that wanted him to jerk the trigger, a different sense read the unvoiced emotions of the native Disan. There was fear there, and hatred.

He wore great gauntlets on his hands; he was in his habit of green; he had his steel-buckled leather belt upon him beneath his cloak and a pair of daggers in it, with his long-sword looped up; he had his felt hat on his head, buckled again, and decked with half a pheasant's tail; he had his long boots of undressed leather, that rose above his knees; and on his left wrist sat his grim falcon Agnes, hooded and belled, not because he rode after game, but from mere custom, and to give her the air.

There was but one fire in the bivouac, for there was no fuel at hand, and we had to depend upon a small stock of peats that came with us in the stores-sledge. Deer came to the hill and belled mournfully, while we ate a frugal meal of oat-bannock and wort.

Probably other jokers have emulated the original joker; probably if the truth were known there have been a dozen such; but the country people will have it that there is only one Belled Buzzard a bird that bears a charmed life and on his neck a never silent bell. Squire Gathers regarded it a most untoward thing that the Belled Buzzard should have come just at this time.

Her white face spoke week by week to the dalesfolk as they sat in their high pews. Many a rough countrywoman, old perhaps, and crushed by toil and child-bearing, had wondered over her, had felt a sister in her, had loved her secretly. But the children's dreams followed St. Anthony rather the kind, sly old man, with the belled staff, up which his pig was climbing. Laura haunted the little place.