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'Are the bears only bad on thy holding? said a mate, sucking at the pipe. 'No; but musk-pods are worth six rupees apiece now, and thy women can have the canvas of the tents and some of the cooking-gear. We will do all that at Shamlegh before dawn.

Followed that which thou didst see strife and stupidity. Just is the Wheel! The idolater's blow fell upon the scar. Then I was shaken in my soul: my soul was darkened, and the boat of my soul rocked upon the waters of illusion. Not till I came to Shamlegh could I meditate upon the Cause of Things, or trace the running grass-roots of Evil. I strove all the long night.

That we do not need we shall throw on Shamlegh-midden, where no man has yet set foot. 'Who is at Shamlegh this summer? The place was only a grazing centre of three or four huts. 'The Woman of Shamlegh. She has no love for Sahibs, as we know. The others can be pleased with little presents; and here is enough for us all. He patted the fat sides of the nearest basket. 'But but

After service thou hast said? comes the reward. I am the Woman of Shamlegh, and I hold from the Rajah. I am no common bearer of babes. Shamlegh is thine: hoof and horn and hide, milk and butter. Take or leave. She turned resolutely uphill, her silver necklaces clicking on her broad breast, to meet the morning sun fifteen hundred feet above them.

Oh, just is the Wheel! He blessed them in detail the great glaciers, the naked rocks, the piled moraines and tumbled shale; dry upland, hidden salt-lake, age-old timber and fruitful water-shot valley one after the other, as a dying man blesses his folk; and Kim marvelled at his passion. 'Yes yes. There is no place like our Hills, said the people of Shamlegh.

He drew from his breast a bottle of cheap whisky such as is sold to explorers at Leh and cleverly forced a little between the lama's teeth. 'So I did when Yankling Sahib twisted his foot beyond Astor. Aha! I have already looked into their baskets but we will make fair division at Shamlegh. Give him a little more. It is good medicine. Feel! His heart goes better now.

'It is no matter to me. Kim answered, with the craft of his mother-country. 'Share it among you, and see what comes! 'Not I. I was only jesting. Give the order. There is more than enough for us all. We go our way from Shamlegh in the dawn. They arranged and re-arranged their artless little plans for another hour, while Kim shivered with cold and pride.

'Wait, and we will all go to Shamlegh together, the man insisted. For a moment, for just so long as it needs to stuff a cartridge into a breech-loader, the lama hesitated. Then he rose to his feet, and laid a finger on the man's shoulder. 'Hast thou heard? I say there shall be no killing I who was Abbot of Such-zen.

'Yes, yes; we know it, said the far-faring people of Shamlegh. 'And I slept two nights with the priests of Kailung. These are the Hills of my delight! Shadows blessed above all other shadows! There my eyes opened on this world; there my eyes were opened to this world; there I found Enlightenment; and there I girt my loins for my Search. Out of the Hills I came the high Hills and the strong winds.

None will follow us to Shamlegh. This was the nervous Rampur man. 'I have been Fostum Sahib's shikarri, and I am Yankling Sahib's shikarri. I shall not leave this Holy One. They sat down a little apart from the lama, and, after listening awhile, passed round a water-pipe whose receiver was an old Day and Martin blacking-bottle.