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Shalders, the opinion of all thoughtful people in England was with John Company and the better part of the Press to condemn Lord Ormont in his quarrel with the Commissioner of one of the Indian provinces, who had the support of the Governor of his Presidency and of the Viceroy; the latter not unreservedly, yet ostensibly inclined to condemn a too prompt military hand.

The school was damped to hear him calling it a nice question. Still, he said he thought he should have gone; and that settled it. The boys inclined to speak contemptuously of Shalders. Matey world not let them; he contrasted Shalders with the other ushers, who had no enthusiasms.

The school was damped to hear him calling it a nice question. Still, he said he thought he should have gone; and that settled it. The boys inclined to speak contemptuously of Shalders. Matey world not let them; he contrasted Shalders with the other ushers, who had no enthusiasms.

That was fun to set boys jigging. No wonder how in Russia the Cossacks feared him, and scampered from the shadow of his plumes were clouds flying off his breath! That was a fine warm picture for the boys on late autumn or early winter evenings, Shalders warming his back at the grate, describing bivouacs in the snow. They liked well enough to hear him when he was not opposing Matey and Lord Ormont.

We are instruments to the touch of certain women, and made to play strange tunes. "Mr. Cuper flourishes?" "The school exists. I have not been down there. I met Mr. Shalders yesterday. He has left the school." "You come up from Olmer?" "I was at Olmer last week, Lady Ormont." An involuntary beam from her eyes thanked him for her title at that juncture of the dialogue. She grew more spirited. "Mr.

Shortly after this discussion Matey was heard informing some of the bigger fellows he could tell them positively that Lord Ormont's age was under fifty-four the prime of manhood, and a jolly long way off death! The greater credit to him, therefore, if he bad been a name in the world for anything like the period Shalders insinuated, "to get himself out of a sad quandary."

And he accused Murat of carelessness of his horses, ingratitude to his benefactor, circussy style. Shalders went so far as to defend Murat for attending to the affairs of his kingdom, instead of galloping over hedges and ditches to swell Napoleon's ranks in distress. Matey listened to him there; he became grave; he nodded like a man saying, "I suppose we must examine it in earnest."

Matey said he should be happy to reach it with half the honours Lord Ormont had won. "Excepting the duels," Shalders had the impudence to say. "If the cause is a good one!" cried Matey. "The cause, or Lord Ormont has been maligned, was reprehensible in the extremest degree." Shalders cockhorsed on his heels to his toes and back with a bang.

Mention of the military cloak of enthusiasm covering Shalders, brought the scarce credible old time to smite at his breast, in the presence of these eyes. A ringing of her title of Lady Ormont rendered the present time the incredible. "I can hardly understand a young Frenchman's not entering the army," she said. "The Napoleonic legend is weaker now," said he. "The son of an officer!" "Grandson."

Matey said he should be happy to reach it with half the honours Lord Ormont had won. "Excepting the duels," Shalders had the impudence to say. "If the cause is a good one!" cried Matey. "The cause, or Lord Ormont has been maligned, was reprehensible in the extremest degree." Shalders cockhorsed on his heels to his toes and back with a bang.