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And now you see, mate, I'm pretty low, and deserted by all; and Jim, you'll bring me one noggin of rum, now, won't you, matey?" "The doctor " I began. But he broke in cursing the doctor, in a feeble voice but heartily. "Doctors is all swabs," he said; "and that doctor there, why, what do he know about seafaring men?

"No, no; of course not, Barney," I said piteously; "but you did, and Bob Hampton and Neb Dumlow came and laid down on the deck, and I saw it all, and heard it, and, oh dear, oh dear! what a terrible mess!" "Arn't he going off his head, matey?" whispered Dumlow; but I heard him. "No, no, man; it's all coming back now.

"Ay, an' a friend was helpin' him, an' here's a dozen of us a-helpin' of one supercargo." "And I'm much obliged to you, Mr. Bulger. But what were you cheering for?" "Cheerin'! Why, you wouldn't guess. 'Twas General Clive, matey." "General Clive!" "Ay, General Clive, him what chased the mounseers out o' Fort St. George with a marlinspike.

I soon learned, however, that the general out-at-elbows appearance was due to another cause. A genial Cockney gave me the hint. "'Ave you joined up, matey?" he asked. I told him that I had. "Well, 'ere's a friendly tip for you. Don't wear them good clo'es w'en you goes to the depot. You won't see 'em again likely, an' if you gets through the war you might be a-wantin' of 'em.

'Look in at the clock, Uncle, said he. He would not look himself, from horror of the tipplers. 'Him past, matey, repeated the Hawaiian. 'So much the better for you, Uncle, he replied; and he gave up the wheel, repeating the directions as he had received them. He took two steps forward and remembered his dead reckoning. 'How has she been heading? he thought; and he flushed from head to foot.

Lord Ormont became the subject of inquiry and conversation; and for his own sake not altogether to gratify Matey. The Saturday autumn evening's walk home, after the race out to tea at a distant village, too late in the year for cricket, too early for regular football, suited Matey, going at long strides, for the story of his hero's adventures; and it was nicer than talk about girls, and puzzling.

'Oo's the little 'un?" "Meaning me?" said Dollops, bridling. "None of yer blarney 'ere, miss! Me an' my mate's been on a walkin' tooer come up from Lunnon, we 'ave." "You never did!" Admiration mingled with disbelief in the barmaid's voice. A little stir of interest went round the crowded, smoky room and someone called out: "Lunnon, 'ave yer? Bin walkin' a bit, matey. Wot brought yer dahn 'ere?

"Faith, me boy, swear, is it?" observed Pat. "It's just th' sort of yarn a dockyard matey would swear to, if only to plaise his superiors; but there's one thing I believe, an' that is, that the wood an' iron are both rotten. Bad luck to thim who didn't repair the damage whin they found it out! You are of the same opinion, though it wouldn't have become ye to say so.

She had come across the sister of little Collett, Selina her name was, carrying it. She saw nothing of the others. Aminta was not the girl to let her. Nor did Mr. Cuper dare demand from Matey a sight or restitution of the young lady's half of the correspondence. He preached heavily at Matey; deplored that the boy he most trusted, etc. the school could have repeated it without hearing.

But Finn had learned a good deal since his first taste of that savoury meat; more a good deal than the man who offered the meat had learned in the same time. Taking the middle of the yard, so as to leave himself ample space for retreat, he remained watchfully regarding Matey, and refused to advance a step. Matey's spoken blandishments were now a dead letter to Finn.