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"Then you will clear for action and send the crew to quarters, av ye plaise, Mr Lascelles," said O'Flaherty; which done, we hauled our wind and reached in for the narrow opening. It was a foolhardy undertaking, to my mind; but I must do. O'Flaherty the justice to say that, having entered upon it, he neglected no precaution to ensure our success.

"Plaise your honor," said Darby, who never could be honest to both parties, "there's a batch o' convarts outside waitin' to see you, but between you and me, I think you had as well be on your guard wid some o' them, I know what they want." "And pray, what is that, O'Drive?" "Why, thin, for fraid I may be doin' the crathurs injustice, sir, I won't say; only jist take my hint, any how.

She accordingly took the letter out of his hand, and approaching the priest, asked him the name of the person to whom it was addressed. "Plaise your reverence," she said, "what name's on the back of this? I mane," said she, "who is goin' to?"

The d d thieves, to make me, me above all men, do the blackest part of the business an' to think o' the way they misled Edward, too who, after all, would be desavin' poor Lady Gourlay, if he had tould her all as he thought, although he did not know that he would be misleadin' her. Yes, faith, I'll start for the country tomorrow, plaise God; but listen, Polly, do you know who's in town?"

Nanny, who from some motives of her own, felt reluctant to mention Hycy's name in the matter, hastily replied, "A person, plaise your reverence, from Major Vanston." "Very well, girl, discharge your duty," said the priest; "but I tell you the devil will never sleep well till he has his clutches in the same Major, as well as in the shameless apostate he has corrupted."

After about a minute's deep thought, he expressed himself as follows and it may be observed here, once for all, that on appropriate occasions his conversation could rise and adapt itself to the dignity of the subject, with a great deal of easy power, if not of eloquence "Now, sir," said he, "you will plaise to pay attention to what I am about to say: Beware of Sir Thomas Gourlay as a Christian man, it is my duty to put you on your guard; but consider that you ask me to involve myself in a matter of deep family interest and importance, and yet, as I said, you keep yourself wrapped, up in a veil of impenetrable mystery.

"I'm goin'," she replied, looking at, and addressing the Prophet; "an' plaise God, before long I'll have the best wish o' my heart fulfilled, by seein' you hanged; but, until then, may my curse, an' the curse o' God light on you and pursue you. I know you have tould her everything, or she wouldn't act towards me as she has done of late."

'Plaise ye, worshipful masters, he said, being feared of the gateway, 'carn 'e tull whur our Jan Ridd be? 'Hyur a be, ees fai, Jan Ridd, answered a sharp little chap, making game of John Fry's language. 'Zhow un up, then, says John Fry poking his whip through the bars at us; 'Zhow un up, and putt un aowt.

"Be it good, bad, or indifferent, sir," replied Barney, "you could tell me no news that would plaise me half so much as that there is a certainty of your gettin' well again." "Well, I think there is, Barney. I feel much better to-day than I have done for a long while but the news, are you not anxious to hear it?"

"Kathleen, that's like yourself, but I could not think of bringing you to shame." He paused, and turning his eyes full upon her, added "I'm allowin' myself to sink again. Everything will turn out better than we think, plaise God."