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I don't expect to come to stone-cutting or cattle-driving, but I do expect to settle down into a tolerable housewifely little woman, and " "And look after me." "Yes, I suppose so and myself, and probably a sewing-class and the cook's lame son. Heigh-ho-hum! What a pity it is, that it is so uninteresting to be good." "How do you know?" "Don't be saucy.

The string is the most expensive part, and two pennyworth lasts many kites, for they are very frail affairs, and in that land of trees do not long escape being caught, though they fly beautifully. Miss J had a cockatoo which amused her and the little girls during sewing-class. He was a beautiful bird with a rosy crest, but extremely mischievous.

The men and boys have been playing cricket lately, the latter being very keen upon it. High winds have again somewhat damaged the plants. Friday, November 30, St. Andrew's Day. It being the day of Intercession for Missions we had service at five o'clock. Sixty-one people were present, which was good for a week-day. Earlier in the afternoon the sewing-class met.

She said at first that it was her own baby, but afterward admitted that she didn't know who its mother was, and that she was paid for taking care of it. I found out, after a good deal of talking round, and an interview with the mother of the child who is in your daughter's sewing-class, that a girl of notoriously bad character, named Pinky Swett, pays the baby's board.

That must be where I was offered a position." "Will you look at it?" "I'd like to. Only I can't sew a bit, you see...." She stepped exploringly through the open door, into the sort of sewing-class room. V. Vivian walked after her; and behind him he distinctly heard the surprised and somewhat offended voice of the Kemper: "Funny! I thought that was Mr. Pond I was talking to all the time."