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Drusilla watched them for a while. "Is this all the sewing-class you have?" she asked. "It is all we have at present," Mrs. Harris answered. "Do the girls in the neighborhood, the grown girls, learn it?" "No; they all work, and have only their evenings." "Why don't you have an evening class?" "We have thought of that, but it is hard to get a girl like Daphne to come down in the evening."

So did the penny bank, and the evening school, and the sewing-class for he was well loved, was our vicar, in spite, or perhaps because, of his offering such a contrast to the larger number of his flock.

Fleming, "I am going to send Molly to you, and she will show you to your room, and afterwards give you some breakfast. I must ask you to excuse me this morning, as I have to go to the sewing-class. Ruth is at school, but we will all meet at luncheon which is served promptly at one." Mrs.

It seems to me that if these people are as poor as you tell me, exercise ain't what they want. They want to learn things to help 'em pay the rent at home, or save a little money once in a while by makin' their things." Mrs. Harris was a little angry. "I am sorry, Miss Doane," she said stiffly, "that you don't approve of our sewing-class." "No, I don't approve of it.

She is the hidden centre and force of the whole parochial machinery the organist, the chief tract distributor, the president of the Dorcas society, the despot of the penny bank and the coal-club, the head of the sewing-class, the supervisor of district-visitors, the universal referee as to the character of mendicant Joneses and Browns.

"And what am I to say to Mrs. Sutcliffe?" "Oh, anything you like that wouldn't sound too rude." "Shall I say that you're a very independent young lady, and that she had better not ask you to join her sewing-class? Would that sound too rude?" "Not a bit. If you put it nicely. But you would, wouldn't you?" He looked down at her again. His thick eyes had thawed slightly; they let out a twinkle.

You see it takes a hundred or more sixpences every Monday merely to keep that sewing-class going, and more than once there has been a talk of closing it for want of funds, but the poor creatures have pleaded so pitifully that they might still be allowed to attend, even though they should work at half-price, that it has been hitherto continued.

The invitation was at last accepted without a dissenting voice, the challenge to Batterbury written, and then the members went off to the associated clubs of which they were members to obtain the adhesion of these also to the fête at Mr. Brook's. Mrs. Dodgson had harder work with the sewing-class.

Karin knew it as one of her own early trophies, that had been given to her mother in pride when she had received it as a reward for skill shown in the sewing-class at school. This little remembrance of her had been treasured and prized while she was living in selfish forgetfulness of the poor old woman far away. Repentant tears had fallen on the humble memento.

Under other heads he found that outcast boys were received, sheltered, sent to Industrial Homes, or returned to friends and parents; that temperance meetings were held, and drunkards, male and female, sought out, prayed for, lovingly reasoned with, and reclaimed from this perhaps the greatest curse of the land; that Juvenile Bands of Hope were formed, on the ground of prevention being better than cure; that lodging-houses, where the poorest of the poor, and the lowest of the low do congregate, were visited, and the gospel proclaimed to ears that were deaf to nearly every good influence; that mothers' meetings were held one of them at that old headquarters of sin, the "Black Horse," where counsel and sympathy were mingled with a Clothing Club and a Bible-woman; that there were a Working Men's Benefit Society, Bible-Classes, Sunday-School, a Sewing-Class, a Mutual Labour Loan Society, a Shelter for Homeless Girls, a library, an Invalid Children's Dinner, a bath-room and lavatory, a Flower Mission, and hear it, ye who fancy that a penny stands very low in the scale of financial littleness a Farthing Bank!