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I remember that in our conversation I jokingly said that my wife could hardly forgive him for not making her hero, Henri IV., a perfect character, and the earnestness with which he replied 'au serieux, I assure you I have fairly recorded the facts. After this date I did not see Mr. Motley for some time.

Je suis un homme serieux." "It is very cheap to- day," said the girl. "Ca ne coute pas cher, en temps de guerre." After the battle of the Marne the old vitality of Paris was gradually restored. The people who had fled by hundreds of thousands dribbled back steadily from England and provincial towns where they had hated their exile and had been ashamed of their flight.

My sister Amy had always taken life au grand sérieux; Ellen was a little too prompt to flirt with officers and gay young men, and needed repression; Lætitia went in for book-learning, and measured every one by what she called their "educational opportunities." My sisters were as different as possible from this butterfly creature, who seemed to sip interest and amusement out of everything.

In disposition he is sociable, affectionate, and generous, giving himself no airs, and treating all alike. His humour is native, and peculiar to himself, so there is some excuse for the newspaper reporters who take his jokes about the capabilities of Nature AU SERIEUX; and publish them for gospel. His assistants are selected for their skill and physical endurance. The chief at Menlo Park was Mr.

His father's violent threats, or coarse sneers, would not have been taken au serieux by a stronger boy, but Theobald was not a strong boy, and rightly or wrongly, gave his father credit for being quite ready to carry his threats into execution.

"Whilst you confine your aspirations to a bear, a bite, and a scarf." "You see nothing was wanted but the opportunity." "And foresight." "Foresight?" "Yes; if you had previously made arrangements with a bear, the whole scene might have been realized." "You are joking, whilst I am taking the matter au serieux." "That order is usually reversed; generally you are the quiz and I am the quizzee."

She was easily disconcerted, and took everything 'au serieux', and her wits became paralyzed by an embarrassment that was new to her. And, pained by the sort of sarcasm which Marien kept up in all their intercourse, she was often ready to burst into tears after talking to him. Yet she was never quite satisfied unless he was present.

Besides his own two pieces, Diderot would probably have pointed to Terence as the author coming nearest to the genre sérieux.

The disclaimer of the Major had, however, the effect of restoring to him the use of his tongue. Casting his uncertain eye on the gentlemanly person of the latter he exclaimed, in a tone of insufferable vulgarity; An ill suppressed titter pervaded the group of British officers the General alone preserving his serieux. "May I ask your name?" he demanded.

Most boys soon discover the difference between noise and actual danger, but to others it is so unnatural to menace, unless they mean mischief, that they are long before they leave off taking turkey-cocks and ganders au serieux. Ernest was one of the latter sort, and found the atmosphere of Roughborough so gusty that he was glad to shrink out of sight and out of mind whenever he could.