United States or Guernsey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

'I'd as soon think of distrustin' that Laredo divorce of my former he'pmeet! An' as the sheriff drives off two hundred head of my cattle by way of alimony, I deems the fact of that sep'ration as fixed beyond cavil. No, Colonel, you has my fullest confidence. I'd go doubtin' the evenhanded jestice of Cherokee's faro game quicker than distrustin' you.

Which they gets married, an' thar they be, gettin' along as peaceful as two six-shooters on the same belt. "'I don't mind what Texas says, none, replies Faro Nell. 'Texas is all right, an' on the square". I shouldn't wonder none if this yere Missis Thompson does saw it off on him some shabby, gettin' that sep'ration, an' I don't marvel at his remarks.

"'I reckons I'm wrong, Dan, says Thompson, turnin' apol'getic. 'Let it all go to the diskyard. I'm that peevish I simply ain't fit to stay yere nor go anywhere else. I ain't been the same person since my wife runs cimmaron that time an' demands said sep'ration.

'Far'well, vain world, I'm goin' home, says the lady; 'which I prefers death to sep'ration, an' I'm out to jine my beloved husband in the promised land. I knows, for I attends the fooneral of that family said fooneral is a double-header as the lady, bein' prompt, trails out after her husband before ever he's pitched his first camp an' later assists old Chandler in deevisin' a epitaph, the same occurrin' in these yere familiar words: "She sort o got the drop on him, In the dooel of earthly love; Let's hope he gets an even break When they meets in heaven above."