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Promise me that or I cannot let him go! Selpdorf was touched. He liked Rallywood. There was much in the single-hearted soldier that appealed to his sympathies. But 'I will not deceive you, Valerie, at such a time as this, he answered gently; 'I cannot foresee what may happen. I may not be able to prevent the worst. Captain Rallywood holds the despatches.

He was overwhelmed with congratulations and introductions, but the memory of that night which lingered longest with him was the tall figure of Valerie Selpdorf standing aside and looking coldly on.

Yet it must be admitted that M. Selpdorf really regretted that the necessities of the case required the sacrifice of the Englishman, for whom his former abstract liking remained entirely unaltered. The doors of the great mess-room were closed, for within them the court-martial was in progress. At the central table seven men with the marks of power upon them were gathered.

'How will it end? Counsellor shook the ash from his cigar. 'Selpdorf is the man of the hour, he said. On the autumn evening when these two men were talking at the club the Duchy of Maäsau was, in the opinion of Maäsaun patriots, going as fast as it could to the devil. With them, it may be added, the devil was personified and bore the name of a neighbouring nation.

It was the pleasure of the hour, no one looked beyond that in Révonde, and Rallywood had fallen into the universal habit of drifting. 'You are thoughtful. What can you have been talking about? asked the Countess, coming up. 'Mademoiselle Selpdorf has been giving her opinion of me. It is not flattering, and I am depressed, returned Rallywood, hoping the Countess meant to talk of Valerie.

He could not see Valerie, but he remembered Selpdorf and his injunctions to avoid a quarrel, and smiled as he thought over the words, since the Chancellor must have been perfectly aware that he had pushed an unwelcome foreigner into a position that could only be held by force of arms, even in the case of a Maäsaun candidate of noble blood. At that moment he saw his own position clearly.

Besides, he added significantly, 'I am urging you to consult not only the interests of Maäsau, but your own also. 'They are the same, and it is difficult to know where our true interest lies, said Selpdorf, thoughtfully. 'Do you go to the Castle of Sagan next week? The abrupt change of subject seemed to have its effect upon Elmur.

The corridors are held by Count Sagan's men. Mademoiselle Selpdorf has brought the news. 'What! You told me not two hours ago she was engaged to von Elmur. She is the price of Selpdorf's treason. Unziar stepped nearer. 'Mademoiselle Selpdorf has already risked her life to warn us that we are in danger. I'd stake my soul she is loyal. 'Good indeed, Anthony!

He was, in fact, serving his own private interests and also hustling Selpdorf along towards the German goal. 'Then we shall have a court-martial, said the Chancellor. 'Disgrace will be more effectual than death itself in this case. 'Disgrace? ah, yes! But I know what would happen to Captain Rallywood in my country. Elmur's eyes had a gleam in them. 'I am not so well informed.

'Father! the girl cried, 'don't leave me like this. You don't understand. I only knew by chance. He is too noble to 'Ah! Selpdorf recollected Elmur's phrase, 'There is always the picturesque captain of the Guard. He paused before speaking. 'Then this noble individual does not propose to take my daughter from me altogether only to entangle her in a sentimental embarrassment?