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'Now as to Major Counsellor's despatches, he added doubtfully. 'You will send them back to him, said Valerie eagerly. 'You cannot see the difficulty of my position. The Chancellor laid his hand upon her shoulder. 'To be frank with you, and in confidence, Captain Rallywood, I have not been ignorant that an understanding existed between Count Sagan and the Baron von Elmur.

The passage leading to this annex branched from the head of the grand staircase. Upon the landing rows of heavily armed men were gathering noiselessly. As Elmur and Sagan stood together waiting at the mouth of the Duke's corridor, the Count turned to his companion. 'Have you proposals ready to lay before his Highness? he demanded. 'In form, returned Elmur, touching his pocket.

For God's sake don't say you cannot! Give me your love! 'Anthony! It almost shocked her to see Unziar cold and cynical Unziar pleading as a man pleads for escape from death, with a terrible self-abandonment. 'Wait! Tell me this. Did you choose von Elmur? 'My we it has nothing to do with that kind of thing. 'I thought not! Then you will sacrifice yourself for an idea? You shall not!

Elmur was very much in earnest, yet it might be an attempt to trick her into a position from which she would find it almost impossible to withdraw. 'Do you wish to make this public? she asked. 'No, no. That pardon me once more would be equally fatal after the impression you unluckily conveyed to the Duke.

'His Highness gave orders that none should be allowed to enter without giving the countersign chosen by himself. Sagan considered a second or two. 'True, I had forgotten. Come here, Unziar; your trooper there has long ears; I must speak with you. Stand back, men! he said roughly. 'Baron von Elmur, pray remain, and you, Hern, addressing the man behind. Unziar still stood upon the step.

'I had hoped, he said aloud, 'to have the pleasure of begging Mademoiselle to accept my flowers. 'You are too late, Baron; but perhaps you will escort me to the west tower, where I daresay Madame de Sagan is already waiting for me. Counsellor looked after the tall graceful figure of the girl as she ascended the staircase with Elmur at her side.

'Now, pray lead me to my apartments. The journey to Sagan fatigues in this weather and, after all, it would look better if I died at home in the palace at Révonde. At a glance from Elmur, Sagan motioned his wife forward. 'I will lead you to your apartments, sire, she said, offering the Duke her slender hand.

I knew this connection was under consideration by Elmur, but the engagement did not exist a few hours ago, and the present moment is precisely the most inopportune which could be chosen for its announcement, hence it follows that someone has forced Elmur's hand, or that he is forcing the hand of someone, it may be Mdlle. Selpdorf's. 'Will it be announced publicly? The Duke, for example.

'We cannot afford to offend England while Elmur is at work in this country. She is at this moment our very good friend, Adiron observed apologetically. 'There will be many public occasions at the Palace ball, for example. 'You may trust me to keep up appearances, said Unziar. 'Then it is understood that I arrange the affair of Captain Rallywood at the Palace ball if possible.

Elmur stood with his back against a massive carved bookshelf, and looked at Sagan, who, with a cigar-butt buried in his ragged beard, was walking, with long, uncertain steps, up and down the floor. The tiger in the old man was awake. 'Act I., Scene I., said Elmur at last, and with a smile.