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Also when any of the said merchants themselues, or any of theirs are desirous to trauel into any part of our dominions, or into any other kingdomes, or into their owne kingdome if any of our treasure be deliuered to them, they to take it with them, and to sel it in bartar or otherwise for such wares as are most requisit and necessary to be brought into our kingdome and to be deliuered into our treasury.

They even imitate occasionally the "little language" of the great satirist; if Swift was Presto, Kinglake is "Poor dear me"; if Stella was M. D., Madame Novikoff is "My dear Miss." This last endearment was due to an incident at a London dinner table. A story told by Hayward, seasoned as usual with gros sel, amused the more sophisticated English ladies present, but covered her with blushes.

When we told her what had happened, she burst into terrified tears. For some time after this there was no return of the "tantrums," as Selphar had called the condition, whatever it was. I began to get up vague theories of a trance state. But mother said, "Nonsense!" and Clara was too much frightened to reason at all about the matter. One Sunday morning Sel complained of a headache.

He stood gazing into the fire till recalled to himself by the boiling of the billy; then a triumphant smile invaded his stern features; he took the billy off the crook, threw the tea into it, clapped both hands on my shoulders, and quoted with fine effect that lucid passage from Burns: Bye attour, ma gutcher has A heigh hoose an' a leigh A' firbye ma bony sel', The lad o' Ecclefechan! "Ha-ha-ha!

I see them on a blackberry-bush; they've got little brass buttons on the wrist." Three rods past now, and we could not see our horse's head. "Selphar," said my mother, quickly, "what is the matter with you?" "If you please, ma'am, I don't know," replied the girl, hanging her head. "May I get out and bring 'em to you?" Prince was reined up, and Sel got out.

A jury of inquest was impaneled, and after due deliberation and inquiry they returned the inevitable American verdict which has been so familiar to our ears all the days of our lives "NOBODY TO BLAME." They happened just as they are told. Il veut faire secher de la neige au four et la vendre pour du sel blanc.

"Ah! then I will wander along by my ain sel," returned the old gentleman laughingly as he lifted his hat to Annis and the others, then went on his way, musing as to the best course to pursue to bring about an acceptance of his suit.

"Miss Horn," he said, "I beg you will give me another day to think of this." "Whaur 's the use? A' the thinkin' i' the warl' canna alter a single fac'. Ye maun du richt by my laddie o' yer ain sel', or I maun gar ye." "You would find a lawsuit heavy, Miss Horn." "An' ye wad fin' the scandal o' 't ill to bide, my lord. It wad come sair upo' Miss I kenna what name she has a richt till, my lord."

"Let me bide, laddie," he said. "You've doon your best to save me, but you canna do't mair; gang awa' and save your ain sel'." "No I won't, Mr Macdougall," I cried, stopping and treading water for a minute or two, while he imitated my example. "If I'm saved, you shall be saved; and if you drown, I'll drown too!"

Bishopriggs, "looks with mair indulgence at human frailty than my ain sel'. Am I no' to be familiar wi' ye when I'm auld eneugh to be a fether to ye, and ready to be a fether to ye till further notice? Hech! hech! Order your bit dinner lassie. Husband or no husband, ye've got a stomach, and ye must een eat.