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Sae lang 's merried fowk sleeps in ae bed, it 's ill to haud onything till a body's sel'." "Mr Mellis is a douce man, an' I carena what he kens." answered Miss Horn. She descended to the shop, and having bought bulk enough to account to Jean for her lengthened stay, for she had beyond a doubt been watching the door of the shop, she crossed the street, went up to her parlour, and rang the bell.

"Sel," said Clara, "on your word and honor, are your eyes shut perfectly tight?" "If they ain't, Miss Clara, then they never was." Sel never told a lie. We looked at each other, and let her go. I followed her out and kept my eyes on her closed lids. She did not once raise them; nor did they tremble, as lids will tremble, if only partially closed.

To commemorate that sniveling tramp and his, fraternal duplicate. And he is going to send me the remains. The late Claimant was a fool, but plainly this new one's a maniac. What a name! Mulberry Sellers there's music for you, Simon Lathers Mulberry Sellers Mulberry Sellers Simon Lathers. Sounds like machinery working and churning. Simon Lathers, Mulberry Sel Are you going?"

Your wines shalbe solde by hogs heads, pipes or buttes, but not by quartes nor pintes. The said English merchants are to sel or barter away their owne commodities themselues, and not to suffer any Russes to buy or sell for them: nor to cary or tranport any wares of strangers in stead of their owne in no wise.

"It's jist like the story o' Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego!" he said. "There was three o' them, an' sae He made four! Eh, jist think o' Him bein' wi' 's His verra sel'!" Here now was a church indeed: the idea of a third was the very principle of growth!

The distance was so great that we had often thought, if prowlers were to come around at night, how impossible it would be to hear them. The curtains and shutters were closely drawn. Sel was sitting by the fire. Suddenly she turned pale, dropped her sewing, and sprang from her chair. "Robbers, robbers!" she cried. "Don't you see? they're getting in the east parlor window!

Her name only, by mother's orders, marked the headstone. I have given you facts. Explain them as you will. I do not attempt it, for the simple reason that I cannot. A word must be said as to the fate of poor Sel, which was mournful enough.

Campbell, when the earl leant his head back, and seemed to be sleeping. "Is it about the captain's marriage: Did he no ken?" "Ne'er a word o't" "That was great lack o'respect on the part o' Captain Bruce, and he sic a pleasant young man; and Helen, too. Miss Helen tauld me her ain sel that the earl was greatly set upon her marriage, for the captain gaed to Edinburg just to tell him o't.

That Sel, asleep on the opposite side of the house, could not have seen it drop, was also settled. That she, with her eyes closed and her back to the window, had seen through three walls, and through three inches of snow, at a distance of fifty feet, was an inference. "I don't believe it!" said my mother, "it's some nonsensical mistake." Clara looked a little pale, and I laughed.

She took it up and brought it round the table to me, with perfect precision. "Sel, how you act!" said Clara, petulantly. "Of course you saw." "Yes'm, I saw," said the girl in a puzzled way, "but my eyes are shut, Miss Clara." "Tight?" "Tight." Whatever this freak meant, we thought best to take no notice of it.