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When the line was finished, the bull and the heifer were sacrificed with due pomp. It was a Roman colony come to settle at Sena, on the very site of the chief town of those Senonic Gauls who had been conquered and driven out. Rome had then, in the midst of her enemies, garrisons, magazines of arms and provisions, and means of supervision and communication.

Here it begins to run northwards, deflecting, however, a little towards the east, for the space of nine or ten leagues, and then enters the so much talked of Lake of Dambia, called by the natives Bahar Sena, the Resemblance of the Sea, or Bahar Dambia, the Sea of Dambia.

Accordingly the range of the full Roman burgesses must at the end of this epoch have extended northward as far as the vicinity of Caere, eastward as far as the Apennines, and southward as far as Tarracina; although in this case indeed we cannot speak of boundary in a strict sense, partly because a number of federal towns with Latin rights, such as Tibur, Praeneste, Signia, Norba, Circeii, were found within these bounds, partly because beyond them the inhabitants of Minturnae, Sinuessa, of the Falernian territory, of the town Sena Gallica and some other townships, likewise possessed the full franchise, and families of Roman farmers were presumably to be even now found scattered throughout Italy, either isolated or united in villages.

As he does so he announces in good Hindustanee and in a loud voice a proclamation: "Srimunt Sircar! Khunderao Guicowar! Sena Khas Khel! Shamshar Bahadoor!" "Exactly so," said Felix in a low tone. "I suppose it is not given to outsiders to know what all that means?" added Louis. "Certainly it is," replied Sir Modava.

Probably the numerous Sanskrit works preserved in Tibetan translations then existed in its monasteries. But about the same time the power of the Pâla dynasty, and with it the influence of Buddhism, were curtailed by the establishment of the rival Sena dynasty in the eastern provinces. Still, under Râmapâla, who reigned about 1100, the great teacher Abhayakara was an ornament of the Mahayana.

Cisalpine Gaul that portion lying on the southern or Italian side of the Alps came partly under the dominion of Rome as early as B.C. 282, when a Roman colony was founded at Sena Gallica. This division of Gaul was wholly conquered by B.C. 191; and in B.C. 43, having been made a Roman province, it became a part of Italy.

The First exception against Myrtle-leafs, that they were not shewed the Censors for Sena, a Binder for a Purger; the time I have forgot; the Censors then were, Sir George Ent, Dr. Goddard, Dr. King, and my Self; the places, Tut-hill-street, and some Shops in King-street; Mr. Shellberry being then Master of the Company.

See Muratori, vol. xxiii., or the passage translated by me in Vol. I., Age of the Despots, p. 480. His "Madonna" in S. Domenico is dated 1221. For a full discussion of Guido da Siena's date, see Crowe and Cavalcaselle, vol. i. pp. 180-185. On their coins the Sienese struck this legend: "Sena vetus Civitas Virginis."

And recollect always the inscription over the north gate of Siena: "Cor magis tibi Sena pandit." "More than her gates, Siena opens her heart to you."

"We do not need much," he soliloquized, "to make us happy if we are willing to be happy. Health and love, and enough plain food to eat and clothes to cover us, and a shelter even a snow house and we have enough." Before day broke they were astir; and the sun had not yet risen when they repacked their sledges and harnessed the dogs, and drove down over the ice toward the sena.