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They had been spectators of the long struggle of the Samnites, and of the rapid extirpation of the Senones; they had acquiesced without remonstrance in the establishment of Venusia, Atria, and Sena, and in the occupation of Thurii and of Rhegium.

The city of Sena or Sava is not large, and has mud walls, being situated in a champaign country, which is well peopled, and abounds in every thing necessary to life. On the 24th of October, being much recovered, we resumed our journey, though I was still so weak as to find much difficulty in sitting on horseback.

"That will be dandy!" exclaimed Bobby, "We'll have a fine time!" "Yes, Partner, come!" urged Jimmy. "You can leave your traps for a week." "I think I can yes, I'll go," Skipper Ed decided. "I was never hunting at the sena but twice, though, and I've never forgotten my first experience. It was a good many years ago, before you came, Partner. I went with Abel.

For Indrajala they read Indrakila which is as unknown as the other. The Vaitarani is the fabulous river that separate this world from the next. In the first line of the 5th, for 'rajna' of the Bengal texts the Bombay text reads 'gupta'. I follow the Bengal reading which is better. In the second line of the 6th, for sasars sena the Bombay reading is sena mahogra which is better. I adopt it.

The camp of the other consul was near Sena, and Hasdrubal's position was about five hundred paces from it. Nero, therefore, when he was now drawing near, halted under cover of the mountains, in order that he might not enter the camp before night.

Both Democrats and Republicans rallied to its support but José D. Sena, Clerk of the Supreme Court, a member of the convention, strenuously opposed it and finally carried it back to be caucused upon by the Republican majority. After a stormy caucus it was returned to the convention and passed.

We have seen that Livius Andronicus was selected to celebrate the victory of Sena, and there is an ode of Catullus which seems to refer to some similar occasion. Doubtless the main lines in which the composition moved were indicated by custom; but the treatment was left to the individual genius of the poet. In this case we observe the poet's happy choice of a metre.

Fortunately for Rome, while she was thus a prey to terror and anxiety, her consul's nerves were stout and strong, and he resolutely urged on his march toward Sena, where his colleague Livius and the praetor Porcius were encamped, Hasdrubal's army being in position about half a mile to their north.

Having in his seventeenth year entered the burgess-army, he had passed through the whole Hannibalic war from the battle on the Trasimene lake to that of Zama; had served under Marcellus and Fabius, under Nero and Scipio; and at Tarentum and Sena, in Africa, Sardinia, Spain, and Macedonia, had shown himself capable as a soldier, a staff- officer, and a general.

Sena, which may appear to the Senses very good, yet he cannot positively say, how well, nor yet what quantity of it will work, till he hath made use of it. But afterwards he may confidently apply the whole parcel he hath bought to his purpose.