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"Well," said he profoundly, "I've thought it might get too hot for Jim Conklin in some of them scrimmages, and if a whole lot of boys started and run, why, I s'pose I'd start and run. And if I once started to run, I'd run like the devil, and no mistake. But if everybody was a-standing and a-fighting, why, I'd stand and fight. Be jiminey, I would. I'll bet on it." "Huh!" said the loud one.

'That won't affect me, because doctors are exceptions to all rules. There won't be much sickness in Dansville, everyone will lead such active, wholesome lives, and only energetic young people will go there. But accidents will be frequent, owing to wild cattle, fast riding, Indian scrimmages, and the recklessness of Western life. That will just suit me.

Of the enemy, some thirty were killed. We had the advantage in position, being sheltered by the ridge. We kept on the go till twelve o'clock that night, having marched over fifty miles since we started in the morning. This, together with our three small scrimmages, might be considered an ample day's work.

Altogether this is a fine run, and makes the School see that even with the wind they are not going to have it all their own way. However, they warm up wonderfully after this. Steady is still the word, and every minute Saint Dominic's pulls better together. The forwards work like one man, and, lighter weight though they are, command the scrimmages by reason of their good "packing."

He set down the origin of the sound to one of the superstitious freaks or frolicsome scrimmages between sweethearts that still survived in Hintock from old-English times; and waited on where he stood till ten minutes had passed.

They're good boys, as I said afore; but they're quick and tetchy George, being the youngest, nat'rally is the tetchiest. You know how it is, Miss Carr; his pretty, gal-like face and little moustaches haz cost him half a dozen scrimmages already. He'z had a fight for every hair that's growed in his moustache since he kem here." "Say no more, Mr.

Loman obeyed like a lamb, only too glad to lose himself in the scrimmages and escape observation. The match went on worse and worse for Saint Dominic's. The Landfield men were quick enough to see the weak point of their enemies, and make use of the discovery. They played fast and loose, giving the ball not a moment's peace, and above all avoiding scrimmages.

'There's more risk at one station than half-a-dozen road scrimmages, and that he'll find, clever as he thinks himself. 'Where's Mr. 'What made him leave his place to the mercy of the world, in a manner of speaking? 'Well, it was this way.

It must have been Zeke who did that neat job," exclaimed Stokes, ironically; "he's been a-pining for the soldier business." "No, no; Zeke's above such night scrimmages. He wants to swim the bay and walk right into Boston in broad daylight, so everybody can see him. Come, Zeb, tell how it happened. It was so confounded dark, no one can tell but you."

That comes o trusting to a Frenchman." Piper chuckled. "Muster Joy and the Gentleman! Must keep on a-chaffin. At it all day yesterday they was, atween scrimmages." A gay voice came sailing back from the open. "Ah, Reverend Father, good morning! Yes, you must excuse her for the moment. She has an engagement to keep round the corner to-morrow." "To-morrow!" echoed Kit, aghast.