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I have felt their hard, rough hands and realized what an endless struggle their existence must be no more than a series of scrimmages, thwarted attempts to do something. Their life seems an immense disparity between effort and opportunity. The sun and the air are God's free gifts to all we say, but are they so? In yonder city's dingy alleys the sun shines not, and the air is foul.

Then, wiping the perspiration from his face with a swipe of his hand, he looked toward us and hollered "Gude work, laddies," and dashed on ahead. All these scrimmages took place in less time than it takes to tell about them; everywhere, as far as the eye could reach, the cleaning-up process was going on.

"Going to funk?" asked Haynes rather disagreeably. "Not intentionally, anyway," Dick smiled back at the "sore" one. "But I hear that we young Davids are going to be pitted against Goliaths this afternoon. It may be just my luck to go down in one of the scrimmages and get a furlough in hospital." "I hope so!" muttered Haynes, but he said it under his breath.

"The matter might be settled easily enough," he replied lightly. "We know our rights, and shall firmly assert them. If the Yankees yield, all well; if not, we'll make 'em." "But making them may mean a great war?" "Oh, yes, some serious scrimmages I reckon. We're prepared however, and will soon bring the North to its senses." "If anything should happen to my father!" she sighed.

It resolved itself into this: there were no dog-meals on that journey; but only daily dog-fights snarling, scrapping, blood and hatred-letting scrimmages for grub; disgraceful episodes, in themselves sufficient to shut out any hope of discipline in the team. The quite inevitable shock came on the evening of the twelfth day. Incidentally it marked, too, the end of his easy-going good temper.

I inwents the noos as I goes along; an you should see that old lady's face, an' the way 'er eyes opens we'n I'm a tapin' off the murders an' the 'ighway robberies, an' the burglaries an' the fires at 'ome, an' the wars an' earthquakes an' other scrimmages abroad. It do cheer 'er up most wonderful. Of course, I stick in any hodd bits o' real noos I 'appens to git hold of, but I ain't partickler."

Men resort to so many devilish things! . . . Desnoyers knew very well what these nocturnal gusts of genius were amounting to scandals in the restaurants of Montmartre, and scrimmages, many scrimmages. He and his gang, who believed that at seven a full dress or Tuxedo was indispensable, were like a band of Indians, bringing to Paris the wild customs of the plains.

But he had enough sense to restrain from active interference with the Free Traders, for, owing to a personal dislike for violence in any form which might endanger his skin, he kept clear of press-gang scrimmages, confining himself to assisting Superintendent McClure with such information as the Easterhall coast-line afforded.

"Well, you have got cheek," said Beetle, enviously. "Slipped out before I thought. But he wasn't a bit angry. He's no end of a chap. I swear, I'm goin' to play up like beans. Tell Turkey!" The technique of that match belongs to a bygone age. Scrimmages were tight and enduring; hacking was direct and to the purpose; and around the scrimmage stood the school, crying, "Put down your heads and shove!"

But this garden spot was destined to be a bloody battle ground when the nation divided. There had been scrimmages back and forth over the Kansas line since 1855. I was only a boy, born January 15, 1844. My brother James was born January 15, 1848, John in 1851, and Robert in December, 1853. My eldest brother, Richard, died in 1860.