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Brady and make her let his things alone: "Good friend for Iesus sake forbeare To digg ye dust encloased heare Bleste be ye man yt spares the stones And curst be he yt moves my bones." "Wait, my good Mrs. Brady! What is that you are throwing away?" "Nawthin' but a bit o' blue paaperr, Profissorr. To be shure there's a schrap o' writin' on the back.

Hooroo!" shouted Barney Mulloy, releasing Carker. "Is it a schrap thot do be on our hands, Oi dunno? Begorra, it's so long since Oi've been consarned in a real fight that me blood tingles with pleasure at the thought av it." By this time Carker recognized the sun-tanned young man who had interrupted his speech.

Thin, faith, ye'll take ne'er a picter this day, for Oi'm jist afther usin' the last schrap av gilitin in the house to make the wine jilly fer the dinner." "I don't mean that kind of gelatine; the kind I use is already prepared on little plates in this box, and I have to go in the dark closet to fix them." "Faith, I'd fix thim out here, thin, where ye can see what ye're about.

"Begorra, it's a risky game, puttin' sail on her, sorr," said Tim meeting Mr Mackay half-way on the main-deck; "but we moight thry lettin' out a schrap more av the fores'le, if the houl lot don't fetch away." "We must try it," returned Mr Mackay. "He will have it so."