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There was a man with wings on his shoulders flying high up above a great city, and shooting arrows from a bow at the crowd of people beneath. How did he get wings? Who was he? Pennie cast her eyes hurriedly on the next page to find out, but before she could master one sentence the old man turned over the leaf; "That's the book for you, Missie," he repeated, "you're a scholard, I can see that."

I haint been made a scholard, like swell Tim, as was lagged for a forgery." "You go to church on a Sunday?" "Yes; I 'as a weekly hingagement at the New Road." "What do you mean?" "To see arter the gig of a gemman vot comes from 'Igate." Percival lifted his brilliant eyes, and they were moistened with a heavenly dew, on the dull face of his fellow-creature.

My poor Becky never persecuted me with Banners, and she's twice the scholard you are. 'Why, she can't spell "neuralgia," said Bloomah resentfully. 'And who wants to spell a thing like that? It's bad enough to feel it. Wait till you have babies and neuralgy of your own, and you'll see how you'll spell. 'She can't spell "racked" either, put in Daniel. His mother turned on him witheringly.

The men were much amused at first at the idea of "goin' to school", and some of them looked rather shy at it, but O'Riley, after some consideration, came boldly forward and said: "Well, boys, bad luck to me if I don't think I'll be a scholard afther all.

"Oh, no," said Mrs. Rickett. "It's only the village school, miss. Mr. Fielding got him the post. They're an unruly set of varmints here, but he keeps order among 'em. He's quite clever, as you might say, but no, he ain't a scholard.

He was paid by the "square" of 100 feet, and, although he was "no scholard," and never used a tape, he was quite capable of checking by some method I could never fathom my own measurements with it.

"Because, when they are talking about it, they say you are a gentleman and a scholard." "But I thought I was always friendly and sociable with them." "So you are, Private Gray," cried the boy excitedly; "and if ever I get back to the ranks alive I'll tell them you are the best comrade in the regiment, and how you wouldn't leave me in the lurch."

His reply was that when once the land was clean, and in regular cropping, "a man might farm it with all the playsure in life." Though no "scholard," his wonderful memory stood him in good stead, and was most valuable to me. He came in for a talk every evening, to report the events of the day and arrange the work for the morrow.

Bless you and him! I hasn't another word to say. Will Scarlett." Bet read this letter with some difficulty. She was, as she said, "a poor scholard," and she had to spread out the sheet of thin paper on Jenny's little bed, and laboriously spell through the words before she could arrive at any true glimpse of their meaning.

Rogers, undaunted. "It teks a scholard to undahstand all them jawbreakahs. Common folks lak me nevah'd git the meanin' intah ther head pieces. An' I say thet the sort o' preachin' to do good is them plain, simple truths whut Bro. Stone gives us." "Yes, Hiram, Cynthy Ann's right," said Rogers.