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"Do you believe in the charm?" inquired Speed of Helen. "Of course I do," she answered. He laughed sceptically, whereupon Larry Glass broke in with husky accents: "Nix on the comedy! I bet it's a wizard!" His employer gazed warmly at the owner of the priceless treasure, and, taking the rug tenderly, pressed his lips to it.

Then as Jimmy prepared to sulk, she added coaxingly, "I was GOING to tell you about Zoie's lovely new negligee, and about the dear little crib that just matches it. Everything is going to be in harmony." "With Zoie in the house?" asked Jimmy sceptically. "I can't think why you've taken such a dislike to that helpless child," said Aggie.

"So the great kindness that I am to do you is to let you do me a further kindness through your friend!" "No," I protested; "that is where you are quite mistaken. It isn't benevolence on Doctor Thorndyke's part; it is professional enthusiasm." She smiled sceptically. "You don't believe in it," I said; "but consider other cases.

"You will come back," said the poulterer sceptically, when his fellow-tenant bade him good-bye; and parodying the sacred aspiration "Next year in Manchester," he cried, in genial mockery. The fowl-plucking females laughed heartily, agitating the feathery fluff in the air. "Not so," said Aaron. "I cannot come back.

The trainer grunted sceptically. "Now, Boy," he said. "There she is. Take charge o' your cripple." The girl, her face alight with pleasure, took the halter of the lagging mare. Old Mat gathered the reins and mounted to his seat. Monkey Brand took his place at his master's side. Boy got up behind, the halter in her hand. The trainer raised his whip.

For the worshippers shouted, beat their breasts, struck their heads against the wall, tugged at their ear-curls, leaped aloft with wild yells and even foamed at the mouth, nor could I see any sublime idea behind these maniacal manifestations. "He talks with angels," one told me. "How know you that?" I said sceptically. "He himself admits it." "But suppose he lies!" "What!

From that day to this they have held it, and the Pirate City is now a charming town with a French foreground, a Moorish middle-distance, and a bright green background in which, along with Frenchmen, Turks, Kabyles, Negroes and Moors, and amid orange-groves, date-palms, cacti and prickly pears, the invalids of Europe may enjoy summer heat in winter days, and sit outside in December dreaming peacefully, it may be almost sceptically, of other days, when the bastinado and the bow-string flourished in the land.

"It can't last, Mose," was the calm reply. "'There shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out." "It burnin' mighty bright jus' now, boss. Sol'mun, he say that?" Old Man Curry nodded, and Little Mose sniffed sceptically. "Uh huh. Sol'mun he neveh got jipped out of seven races in a row!" "Seven, eh!" The old man counted on his fingers. "Why, so it is, Mose!

"It looks to me like a good omen that we are to begin where Biorn left off," Rolf observed to one of the men engaged in lowering the ship's boat. The fellow was a stalwart Icelander who had every current superstition at his tongue's end, and was even accredited with the gift of second sight. He hunched his shoulders sceptically, as he bent over the ropes.

Then he went to a village eight miles distant and sent scraps of songs and Shakespearean quotations over the wire. There was still a large percentage of people who denied that spoken words could be transmitted by a wire. When Watson talked to Bell at public demonstrations, there were newspaper editors who referred sceptically to "the supposititious Watson."