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'Ah, lovely! Sophia sighed, but Henrietta, thinking of that man in the wood, raised her dark eyebrows sceptically. 'Lovely! Rubbish! A nun, and the first in the family. All our women, Caroline turned to Henrietta, 'have broken hearts. They can't help it. It's in the blood. You'll do it yourself. All except Rose.

This rebuke somewhat silenced the two devotees of science, who, however, continued to regard the jar sceptically and rather contemptuously. Philpot next dived into a drawer and drew from it a large cork, through which passed a long wire having a small cup at the lower end. "Now look out," he said.

I accordingly gathered as much as I could second-hand of what Lamarck had said, reserving a study of his "Philosophie Zoologique" for another occasion, and read as much about ants and bees as I could find in readily accessible works. In a few days I saw my way again; and now, reading the "Origin of Species" more closely, and I may say more sceptically, the antagonism between Mr.

He wants to come back." Dick had obtained leave to visit Australia, instead of going home, and was therefore within comparatively easy distance of New Lindsey. "Oh, I think we'll wait a bit." "He seems to be having a splendid time, but he says he's lonely without us all." "How touching!" remarked Lord Eynesford sceptically. "Willie, be just to him.

On the contrary, as soon as Eliphalet and the officer went into the house, there began at once a series of spiritualistic manifestations a regular dark séance. A tambourine was played upon, a bell was rung, and a flaming banjo went singing around the room." "Where did they get the banjo?" asked Dear Jones, sceptically. "I don't know. Materialized it, maybe, just as they did the tambourine.

Taou-Kwang was about this age when his father ascended the throne, in consequence of the somewhat capricious appointment of Keelung, who abdicated, and soon after died. The new emperor surrounded himself with buffoons, playactors, and boon-companions. The debaucheries, jealousies, and cruelties of his reign, remind us of what we have half sceptically read of Nero and Caligula.

"How can a spread be exciting?" demanded Helen, sceptically. "Oh, in lots of ways," responded Betty. "There's excitement about whether the fudge will be done in time, and whether it will be good, and who's going to be there, and how much of a box it is. But the most excitement to-night was about society elections." "Were they to-night?" "Dramatic Club's was.

What the girls said was so interesting that I thought I'd get a copy and if I see anything good I'll turn it over to Katy." "And where's Katy going to get the wild vegetables?" asked Linda sceptically. "Why you might have some of them in your wild garden, or you could easily find enough to try all the prowling the canyons you do ought to result in something." "So it should," said Linda.

The mere fact of your talking of remorse proves to me that you're not the man to have planned and put through such a job." Granice groaned. "Well I lied to you about remorse. I've never felt any." Denver's lips tightened sceptically about his freshly-filled pipe. "What was your motive, then? You must have had one."

Undemonstrative and burly in a fat-pig style, Mr Verloc, without either rubbing his hands with satisfaction or winking sceptically at his thoughts, proceeded on his way. He trod the pavement heavily with his shiny boots, and his general get-up was that of a well-to-do mechanic in business for himself.