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Elle a vecu toute sa vie au presbytere, et maintenant, son frere mort, il va falloir qu'elle s'en aille. Elle a une petite fortune qui suffira a ses besoins, et j'ai l'immense satisfaction de penser que c'est moi qui ai pu sauver cet argent des griffes d'executeurs testamentaires mal intentionnes. Je les ai forces a payer quarante mille francs. Ma cousine supporte son sort avec un courage parfait.

The duke was so pleased with their behaviour on this occasion, that they received a very honourable testimony of his approbation. Meanwhile, the enemy took possession of James-Town, and reduced Sligo, one of the forts of which was gallantly defended by St. Sauver, a French captain, and his company of grenadiers, until he was obliged to capitulate for want of water and provisions.

Je quitte ce pays voulant me sauver du maudit gouvernement Britannique comme mes ancêtres se sont sauvés de ce diable Louis XIV. "A bas les rois et les ministres tyrannique! Vive la liberté!" Which indicates very clearly the character and the opinions of Henri Marais, and the feeling among the trek-Boers at that time.

Bien des gens croient ici que toute cette politique a eu pour but de sauver le ministere Gladstone. Cela n'en valait pas la peine. Il en est resulte de l'aigreur dans les journaux. Mais cette aigreur sent bien un peu le fonds des reptiles, et personne n'a serieusement envie de chercher querelle a la perfide Albion.

"Old or young, my mind is made up; and so to your Cour des Fées, and tell the lazy minx as much. Thou hast ridden that innocent, thou scowling imp of darkness!" "Mais, pensez-y, je vous en prie, Monsieur. Mam'selle shall nevair se sauver encore; jamais, je vous en répond."

He also gives Ruysch's map , in which a cluster of islands appears in the same place, marked "Insulae daemonum." Paul ou des Saumons. I have not, however, been able to identify this island. The brief account by the Princess of Navarre follows: LXVII NOUVELLE Une pauvre femme, pour sauver la vie de son mary, hasarda la sienne, et ne l'abandonna jusqu'a la mort.

These proverbial maxims and heroic expressions, gleaned from French tragedies or the classic page, were written with the blood which they had drawn from their own veins. In one place is carefully written, "Quand il n'a pu sauver la liberté de Rome, Caton est libre encore et suit mourir en homme."

One could have tossed a biscuit on the stone wharfs where the workmen, crouching over their tasks, straightened up at sight of us and cheered. And one cried out hoarsely, "Vous venez nous sauver, vous Americains" "You come to save us" an exclamation I was to hear again in the days that followed.

"Vous venez nous sauver" the same question I had heard on the lips of the workman in the night. "I hope so, madame," I replied, and would have added, "We come also to save ourselves." She looked at me with sad, questioning eyes, and I knew that for her and alas for many like her we were too late.

One could have tossed a biscuit on the stone wharfs where the workmen, crouching over their tasks, straightened up at sight of us and cheered. And one cried out hoarsely, "Vous venez nous sauver, vous Americains" "You come to save us" an exclamation I was to hear again in the days that followed.