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Tous les journaux du matin, même ceux, rares, qui reconnaissent l'impossibilité pour la Serbie d'accepter les conditions posées, accueillent avec une grande sympathie le ton énergique adopté par l'Autriche. L'officieux «Local-Anzeiger» est particulièrement agressif; il qualifie de superflus les recours éventuels de la Serbie

If three, one might as well shout it from the housetops. Therefore I keep my own counsel." "That is just what I said," cried Froissart triumphantly. "If the secret of these grand croiseurs is known to one hundred, two hundred, le bon Dieu knows how many hundreds of dockyard hands, one might as well print it in these dull English journaux. You attempt the impossible, mon ami."

Since writing this, I have read, in the Esprit de Journaux, an abstract of a memoir of M. Voigt, upon the same subject, which I shall now transcribe. "La mer a commencé par miner les montagnes primitives dont les débris se sont précipités au fond. Ces débris forment la premiere couche qui est posée immédiatement sur les montagnes primitives.

His mother thinks it very creditable to his abilities; though, being unacquainted with the French language, her judgment cannot be considered final. Ce rat ci est un animal fort singulier. Il a deux pattes de derriere sur lesquelles il marche, et deux pattes de devant dont il fait usage pour tenir les journaux.

No. 18. Il nous revient de source autoritative que la nouvelle répandue par quelques journaux d'après laquelle la démarche du Gouvernement d'Autriche-Hongrie

It would have been rather difficult not to have seen it, as it was the only one in the station, and was marked "Extra and Imperial." There were several large salon carriages with large, comfortable fauteuils, and some tables covered with newspapers and journaux illustres to beguile the time. I should say there were about fifty or sixty guests. We actually flew over land and dale.

Having started in to be a "literary man-of-all-work," to borrow the phrase of Hippolyte Auger, his collaborator on the Feuilleton des Journaux Politiques, who was closely in touch with him in those early days, Honore de Balzac had formed relations with the second rate papers, the publishers of novels, the promoters of all sorts of works that might lend themselves to speculating purposes in the publishing line.

Then as it whizzed through the station, we shouted in chorus, "Les journaux! Les jour-naux!" It worked like magic. We had hardly been there two minutes when a train was signaled.

A respectable old gentleman, with a number of orders at his button-hole, presently entered the room, and sauntered up to the marble table, before which reposed Simon and his clerical friend. “Excuse me, gentlemen,” he said, as he took a place opposite them, and began reading the papers of the day. “Bah!” said he, at last, “sont-ils grands ces journaux anglais?

Afrique is talking about les journaux, and to what prodigious pains they go to not tell the truth; or he is telling how a native stole up on him in the night armed with a spear two metres long, once on a time in a certain part of the world; or he is predicting that the Germans will march upon the French by way of Switzerland; or he is teaching us to count and swear in Arabic; or he is having a very good time in the Midi as a tinker, sleeping under a tree outside of a little town....