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As they were going to start, a footman met Nekhludoff in the ante-room, and handed him a note from Mariette: Pour vous faire plaisir, f'ai agi tout a fait contre mes principes et j'ai intercede aupres de mon mari pour votre protegee. Il se trouve que cette personne pout etre relaxee immediatement. Mon mari a ecrit au commandant. Venez donc disinterestedly. Je vous attends.

"Zen I will help you to dress immediatement, and zen Villiam, he vill call us to see ze tree." Never had the captious little girl been more docile, more obedient. Dressing Ethel that morning was a pleasure to Celeste. Scarcely had she completed the task and put on her own clothing when there was a tap on the door. "Vat is it?"

Tapple, who thankfully noting that she was writing another, took time to carefully read and spell over every word, and mastered it all without difficulty. Meanwhile Maryllia prepared her second message thus: "Louis GIGUE, "Je desire que Cicely passe l'ete avec moi et qu'elle arrive immediatement. Elle peut tres-bien continuer ses etudes ici. Vous pouvez suivre, cher maitre, a votre plaisir.

Louise put my bag on the wooden floor, and folded my coat on it. "Miladi will do well to sit down," said she. "It may be that the baggage do not come immédiatement." With this she bustled away to the Louise rabbit warren, wherever it was, leaving me to the tender mercies of fellow "B's," who began to swarm round me and buzz distractedly.

She saw the woman's gaze, hard and curious, take in the details of her appearance, from her muddy shoes up to her blood-stained cheek. "I've had an accident je viens d'avoir un petit accident," she explained hurriedly. "Il faut que je téléphone immédiatement." The concierge's face cleared slightly. "Pour chercher un médecin, sans doute?" she suggested. "Bien voici le téléphone."

Mademoiselle's laughter came first. They sat holding each other's eyes, shaken with laughter, until Mademoiselle said, sighing brokenly, "Et c'est la cloche qui va sonner immediatement." As they undressed, she went on talking "the night comes the black night... we must sleep... we must sleep in peace... we are safe... we are protected... nous craignons Dieu, n'est ce pas?"

It was a sound familiar to all the creoles, that bellowing shout of Gaspard Roussillon's. He was roaming around the stockade, having been turned back by the guard when he tried to pass through the main gate. "They shut me out!" he bellowed furiously. "I am Gaspard Roussillon, and they shut me out, me! Ziff! me voici! je vais entrer immediatement, moi!"

But to put this question out of doubt, with regard to this very valley of the river Doire, M de Saussure has given us the following decisive fact, § 881: «Immédiatement au-dessus de cette source, est un rocher qui répond si précisément

«D'autres fois, le bloc qui sert de base est beaucoup plus petit que celui qui le couvre immédiatement; et s'arrangement de ces deux blocs présente l'aspect d'un champignon.

The proof is satisfactory; the operation is important to the present theory; and therefore I shall give it in his own words. «Tous les blocs de granit dur dégagés et sortis entièrement des masses qui forment les montagnes, posent immédiatement sur le granit friable ou sur d'autres blocs durs qui eux-mêmes sont sur le granit friable.