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I have seen it coming. It is about Fay." "No, it is about Father. He has asked me to tell you that he is engaged to be married." "Father!" "Yes, it is not given out yet." "Father!" "It is to a Miss Barnett. You may have seen her. The doctor's sister at Saundersfoot." "I know her by sight, a tall, showy-looking woman of nearly forty, with amber hair and a powdered nose." "Yes."

Contrary to all his habits, he sat on, hour after hour, motionless, inert, watching the cloud shadows pass across the down. He tried to rouse himself. He told himself that he must settle back into his old occupations. He must get forward with his history of Sussex, and write up his diary. He must come to some decision about the allotment scheme on his property in Saundersfoot.

Oswald, York, 27. St. Patrick, 102. St. Paul's Cray, 41. Saundersfoot, Wales, 108. Scandinavia, 102. Schaffhausen, 95. Schoolmaster's gravestone, 33. Scotland, 84, 100,104; antiquities, 99; sculptured stones of, 97. Scots Greys, 27. Sculptured stones of Scotland, 97. Sects of sixteenth century, 53. Sexton, the village, 36, 64, 75. Shahnaneser II. of Assyria, 104. Shetland, 100. Shoreham, 17.

"They are unlocked," said Aunt Mary with decision. Aunt Aggie swallowed the remains of her tea, and holding a little bitten bun in her hand slid out of the room. She never openly opposed her sister, with whom she lived part of the year when she let her cottage at Saundersfoot to relations in need of sea air. An unmistakable aspect of concentration deepened in Aunt Mary's fine countenance.

Aunt Aggie, after giving the children a sample of what a real mother could be, was to retire to her little home at Saundersfoot. Here the real joy of the situation was to begin.

But the most startling perversion of the original text I saw in the churchyard at Saundersfoot, South Wales, where the stone-carver had evidently had his lesson by dictation, and made many original mistakes, the most notable of which was in the second line: "Affliction sore long time I bore, Anitions were in vain," etc.

The Bishop of Lostford so his secretary wrote accepted Wentworth's invitation to dine and sleep at Barford that night, after holding a confirmation at Saundersfoot. Wentworth had forgotten he had asked him. Very well, he must remember to order a room to be got ready. That was all. A subscription earnestly solicited by the daughter of a neighbouring clergyman for a parish library.

"I waited half the night at Barford, and then went on to Saundersfoot station, and then to Wrigley. Your servants thought you might possibly have gone there. But you had not been seen there. Magdalen sent me to tell you you must go back to the Palace. Your brother is very ill. He had an attack of hæmorrhage apparently just after you and he parted in the hall.

There is nothing at Saundersfoot, except a wilderness of lodgings and a tin station and a high wind. It need not detain an active mind beyond the necessary moment of enquiring by which road it may be most quickly left. I cannot tell you who Saunders was, nor why the watering-place was called after his foot.

Colonel Bellairs was fortunately absent on a visit to Miss Barnett at Saundersfoot. His absence was the only silver lining to the cloud. Fay hardly spoke. Magdalen was thankful that her prickly Lord Lossiemouth had departed the day before.