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Little Hugh, having a great matter to decide, could hear and see nothing that passed. What should he give Crayshaw for a keepsake? The best thing he had was his great big plank, that he had meant to make into a see-saw. It was such a beauty! Cray loved carpentering. Now, the question was Cray would like it, no doubt, but would the ship take it over? How could it be packed?

He was coming to stay a fortnight with us, but you can have him with pleasure me and him don't get on over and above well." "Perhaps he wouldn't do it," objected the farmer. "He'd do it like a shot," said Mr. Cray, positively. "It would be fun for us and it 'ud be a lesson for her.

They seem to have been making a systematic search, and the result has been that they have discovered several portions of the body, scattered about in very widely separated places Sidcup, Lee, St. Mary Cray; and yesterday it was reported that an arm had been found in one of the ponds called 'the Cuckoo Pits, close to our old home." "What! in Essex?" I exclaimed.

Montross gravely, "I beg of you to remember " "Let him answer me first! I asked him a perfectly plain question. It it is silly to ignore me as though I were a foolish child as though I didn't know my mind." "I think, Mr. Tappan, perhaps if you could give Miss Seagrave a qualified answer to her questions make some preliminary statement " began Mr. Cray cautiously.

Such a butterfly girl, falling with, perhaps, bruised wings from the high, hard glare of worldly ambitions, more of others for her than her own for herself of that he felt, also quite newly sure to-night such a girl had thought Mr. Upton, no doubt, a very noble creature and herself happy and fortunate. And she had been very young. He was still looking up at Miss Cray when Imogen came in.

Cray, a confidential clerk in Howard's office, who informed her that her husband had been obliged to leave town suddenly on business, and would not be home that night. "Didn't he say where he was going?" asked Honora. "He didn't even tell me, Mrs. Spence," Cray replied, "and Mr. Dallam doesn't know."

"I have been deceiving you," he repeated. "I have made you believe that I am a person of title." "Nonsense!" said Miss Rose again. The other started and eyed her uneasily. "Nobody would mistake you for a lord," said Miss Rose, cruelly. "Why, I shouldn't think that you had ever seen one. You didn't do it at all properly. Why, your uncle Cray would have done it better." Mr.

The cray fish, the rock lobster, and the prawn, and the shrimp, for example, however different, are yet so like lobsters, that a child would group them as of the lobster kind, in contradistinction to snails and slugs; and these last again would form a kind by themselves, in contradistinction to cows, horses, and sheep, the cattle kind.

All this Father Brown absorbed in detail more at leisure. For the moment he only saw one thing about the man; which was the revolver in his hand. "Cray!" exclaimed the Major, staring at him; "did you fire that shot?" "Yes, I did," retorted the black-haired gentleman hotly; "and so would you in my place. If you were chased everywhere by devils and nearly "

Rose, and sat trying to think of a means of enlightening his friend without undue loss of modesty. "She ain't a bit like her poor mother," mused Mr. Cray. "No, she don't get her looks from her," assented the other. "It's one o' them things you can't account for," said Mr. Cray, who was very tired of the subject; "it's just like seeing a beautiful flower blooming on an old cabbage-stump."