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The golden light struck one half of her high-bred, sensitive face, and glimmered upon her thickly-coiled flaxen hair, striking a pinkish tint from her closely-cut costume of fawn-coloured cloth with its dainty cinnamon ruchings. One little soft frill of chiffon nestled round her throat, from which the white, graceful neck and well-poised head shot up like a lily amid moss.

Five bewitching forms with grace in all their movements, claim our attention; and on all sides "How pretty!" "How sweet!" "How beautiful!" Two sisters are exquisitely dressed in India muslin and antique lace one in pale-blue and the other in pink. Marguerite Verne is radiant in pearl-colored satin and ruchings of delicate pink azaleas.

Her head was bowed now her glorious, proud little head, and she sat silent, an abashed heap of fluffy frills and ruffles, a tiny bundle of vaporous ruchings and filmy tucks and suchlike vanities, in the green dusk of the summer-house. But he knew. He had seen her face grave and tender in the twilight, and he knew. She loved some man some lucky devil! Ah, yes, that was it!

Jane then laid aside her pen to find pins, to contrive ruchings, to catch up the loose ends of draperies, while her mother and her sister Alice and her aunt Lydia circled and fluttered and swooped and chattered through a hundred suggestions and amendments and alterations. Then Jane would stand upon the threshold, and blink tearfully and indignantly into the gloom of the hall.

It is true that Kundry no longer wears an early Victorian ball dress with "ruchings," and that Fresh has been provided with a quaintly modish copy of the flowered gown of Spring in Botticelli's famous picture; but the mailclad Brynhild still climbs the mountains with her legs carefully hidden in a long white skirt, and looks so exactly like Mrs.

I don't expect you to be passionate not any more I don't but I do expect you to appreciate my work. I bring babies into the world, and save lives, and make cranky husbands quit being mean to their wives. And then you go and moon over a Swede tailor because he can talk about how to put ruchings on a skirt! Hell of a thing for a man to fuss over!" She flew out at him: "You make your side clear.

"There was a cream-coloured silk, with silver bullion fringe, that was very striking. As a rule, I detest gold or silver trimmings; but this was really elegant. It had an effect like moonlight." "Was that Lady Mabel Ashbourne's dress?" asked Vixen eagerly. "No; Lady Mabel wore blue gauze the very palest blue, all puffings and ruchings like a cloud."

I looked at her, dainty and exquisite as ever, her ruchings fresh and white, her very face indicative of decorum and order, her wistful old mouth still rather like a child's, her eyes, always slightly upturned because of her diminutive height, so that she had habitually a look of adoration. "One of earth's saints," the rector had said to me on Sunday morning.

From the tiny waist trailed yards of white faille, trimmed with tulle ruchings, frecked as a meadow with faintly-tinted daisies; the hips were engarlanded with daisies, and the flowers melted and bloomed amid snows of faille and tulle.

'My dear, did anyone ever look so nice! You are as sweet well, a little sweeter than you generally are! How do you do, Mr. Harding? And tell me, Alice, what do you think of my dress? May was in cream faille with ruchings of tulle. A beautiful piece of white lilac nestled upon her right breast. 'You are very nice, May, and I think the white sets off your hair to advantage.