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He next attended to his country's foreign relations, and succeeded in securing peace without his frontiers by means of a network of treaties. The King of Poland was won over by George Podiebrad's tact and ability, and Matthias Corvinus, King of a Hungary with fluctuating boundaries but including a deal of present-day Roumania, was also a ready ally of Bohemia's King.

In a tremendous struggle like the present for lofty ideals this bargaining for territorial advantages showed, it was urged, the country and the Government in a sinister light. To this criticism the friends of M. Bratiano reply that most of the belligerents set the example, with far less reason than Roumania could plead.

But when a month's campaign changed the war from one of liberation to one of conquest, Roumania demanded from Bulgaria as the price of neutrality Silistria and a small slice of the Black Sea coast sufficient to satisfy strategic military demands. It was in his relations with Roumania that Daneff's diplomacy was most stupid.

Servia and Roumania, as well as Montenegro, were declared independent. Bulgaria was divided into two portions; the southern of which, called East Roumelia, was to be governed by the Sultan directly, but with a separate administration under a Christian governor. To Austria, the military occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which meant the possession of these provinces, was yielded.

January 5 President Wilson delivers speech to congress giving "fourteen points" necessary to peace. Jan. 20 British monitors win seafight with cruisers Goeben and Breslau, sinking latter. Jan. 28 Russia and Roumania sever diplomatic relations. February 2 United States troops take over their first sector, near Toul. Feb. 6 United States troopship Tuscania sunk by submarine, lost.

The Petite Entente of Czecho-Slovakia, Serbia, and Roumania, is strongly opposed to a reunion of Austria and Hungary, and would stop it by force of arms. The Czechs are equally opposed to union with Germany. "So what do you say?" I asked of a Czech. "Do you think that what is left of Austria ought to be divided up between her neighbours?" "God forbid!" said he.

The Queen of Roumania bowed to the throng with utmost grace, smiling and showing her brilliant teeth; but whether the special huzzas were a tribute to the beauty of the Queen, or to the poetry of Carmen Sylva, we could not determine.

Always accustomed to horses, and already a skilful acrobat, he was immediately accepted by the manager as an apprentice, and after a season in Roumania and a disastrous trip through Southern Austria, they came into Northern Italy, where I met him.

At one time and another I have myself seen most of these birds in the Carpathians, which form the frontier between Transylvania and Roumania. Meanwhile I must resume the description of our march, which was a very slow affair. As we ascended, the trees decreased in size.

At any rate, about the first of September Roumania declared war on Austria and joined the Entente.