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The "interests" had forced the matter as a party issue, and the Republicans being in control in the Senate the outcome could hardly be in doubt. He had learned also of the other misfortunes which had befallen Judge Rossmore and he understood now the reason for Shirley's grave face on the dock and her little fib about summering on Long Island.

Judge Rossmore is too strong a man to be got rid of so easily." The speaker sat down and another rose, his arguments being merely a reiteration of those already heard. Ryder did not listen to what was being said. Why should he? Was he not familiar with every possible phase of the game?

He wasn't at all pleased to see me; in fact he didn't seem to care whether I had gone from Rossmore or not. "Going fishing?" I asked. "Yes; I dakes a leetle fish." "Don't you need some goods?" "No; I dinks not." "How about money? Haven't you got some for me?" "Not a tollar now. You see I pay Plissam last night ery tollar I haf." "Why didn't you divide?" "It was not wort' w'ile."

"It's very kind of you," interrupted Mrs. Rossmore, glad of the opportunity to get a word in edgeways. "Indeed, I appreciate your kindness most keenly but my husband and I go nowhere, nowhere at all. You see we have met with reverses and " "Reverses," echoed the clerical visitor, with difficulty keeping his seat.

Roberts knew that the charge was true as far as he and the men he consorted with were concerned, but sometimes the truth hurts. That was why he had for a moment seemed to champion Judge Rossmore, which, seeing that the judge himself was at that very moment under a cloud, was an absurd thing for him to do. He had known Rossmore years before when the latter was a city magistrate in New York.

"Hardly with her father's disgrace hanging over her head," replied the judge wearily. "Who," he added, "would have the courage to marry a girl whose father was publicly disgraced?" Both relapsed into another long silence, each mentally reviewing the past and speculating on the future. Suddenly Mrs. Rossmore started. Surely she could not be mistaken!

Turning to his sister, who was sitting in her corner like a petrified mummy, he added: "Jane, do you hear? How inexpressibly sad! They have met with reverses!" He paused, hoping that Mrs. Rossmore would go on to explain just what their reverses had been, but she was silent. As a gentle hint he said softly: "Did I interrupt you, Madam?" "Not at all, I did not speak," she answered.

It's Judge Rossmore that scares 'em, not the injunction. They've found it easy to corrupt most of the Supreme Court judges, but Judge Rossmore is one too many for them. You could no more bribe him than you could have bribed Abraham Lincoln." "But the newspapers say that he, too, has been caught accepting $50,000 worth of stock for that decision he rendered in the Great Northwestern case." "Lies!

I would not tell you now, but you trusted me and are willing to entrust your son's future, your family honour in my keeping, and I can't keep back the truth from you. Mr. Ryder, I am the daughter of the man you hate. I am the woman your son loves. I am Shirley Rossmore!" Ryder took his cigar from his lips and rose slowly to his feet. "You? You?" he stammered. "For God's sake, Mr.

"You may. Thank you. Now you shall have that privilege whenever you are good." Meantime Hawkins had long ago returned and slipped up into the laboratory. He was rather disconcerted to find his late invention, Snodgrass, there. The news was told him that the English Rossmore was come. "And I'm his son, Viscount Berkeley, not Howard Tracy any more." Hawkins was aghast.