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The more the merrier!" With which broadside, she hung the bags all over herself and staggered off to the house. Stott explained that the larger pieces and the trunks would come later by express. Mrs. Rossmore took him aside while Mrs. Blake joined Shirley and the judge. "Did you tell Shirley?" asked Mrs. Rossmore. "How did she take it?"

This first meeting had been followed by a call at the Rossmore residence, and the acquaintance had kept up until Jefferson, for the first time since he came to manhood, was surprised and somewhat alarmed at finding himself strangely and unduly interested in a person of the opposite sex.

She knew that his heart was set on her marrying Jefferson Ryder and she knew better than anyone how impossible that dream was. She herself liked Jefferson quite enough to marry him, but if his eyes were turned in another direction and she knew all about his attentions to Miss Rossmore she was not going to break her heart about it.

In fact, I've just come from there. Judge Rossmore is there, all right, but his daughter has left for parts unknown." "Gone away where?" exclaimed the financier. This was what he dreaded. As long as he could keep his eye on the girl there was little danger of Jefferson making a fool of himself; with her disappeared everything was possible. "I could not find out, sir.

"I was sorry to leave Washington at such a time, but I'm a father, and Kate is more to me than the Rossmore impeachment. Besides, to see her married to your son Jefferson is one of the dearest wishes of my life." "You can rest easy," said Ryder; "that is practically settled. Jefferson's sending for you proves that he is now ready to meet my wishes. He'll be here any minute.

How is it that our road cannot reach Judge Rossmore and make him presents?" The speaker sat down, flushed and breathless. The expression on every face showed that the anxiety was general. The directors glanced at Ryder, but his face was expressionless as marble. Apparently he took not the slightest interest in this matter which so agitated his colleagues. Another director rose.

It was heavily involved, assets nil, stock almost worthless. It was probable that the creditors would not see ten cents on the dollar. Thousands were ruined and Judge Rossmore among them. All the savings of a lifetime nearly $55,000 were gone. He was practically penniless, at a time when he needed money most.

Despite every manoeuvre Ryder's experience could suggest, notwithstanding every card that could be played to undermine his credit and reputation, Judge Rossmore stood higher in the country's confidence than when he was first appointed. So when Ryder found he could not corrupt this honest judge with gold, he decided to destroy him with calumny.

Kate's father is all powerful in the Senate. He'll never forgive this disappointment. Hang it all, you liked the girl once, and I made sure that " He stopped suddenly, and the expression on his face changed as a new light dawned upon him. "It isn't that Rossmore girl, is it?" he demanded.

They had not gone very far in the ice boat before they heard the approach of another behind them, and soon, to their surprise, they saw in the craft that was rapidly overcoming them Alice Jallow, and her three young friends. As they came up Jake Rossmore called patronizingly: "Want a race?" "Sure," answered Allen, nothing loath, for he had faith in his craft.