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The Imp sprang into view with a cr-r-r-ick, cr-r-r-ack of falling wood in the great fireplace, and there he stood bowing to Marianne from the left-hand corner of the chintz curtain. A green leaf formed his hat, some straggling branches his feet; his thin body was a single rose-stem, and his red face a crumpled rose-bud.

They felt like full-fledged farmers when Miss Chadwick wrote on the black-board such questions as: "How far apart should different kinds of orchard trees be planted to ensure enough sunlight?" "Explain a method of testing seeds." "What effect has transplanting on a seedling?" "Describe the difference in structure between a corn-stem and a rose-stem. Make a cross-section drawing of each."

"No one will enjoy the fun more than herself." I had my eyes half open beneath the net, so saw him cautiously approach with a rose-stem between his fingers. Being extremely sensitive to tickling, so soon as touched under the ear I took a flying leap from the chair somewhat disconcerting my tormentor.

So there, on the smooth gravel, and with the rose-stem for a pen, I taught him how to form the letters of the alphabet and join them together. He learned them very quickly so quickly, that in a little while the simple copy-book that Mother Earth obliged us with was covered in all directions with "J O H N John."

I would have given the good wives to the good husbands, and made drunken men marry drunken women. Then there would have been one family exquisitely happy, instead of two struggling against misery. I would have made the rose-stem downy, and put all the thorns on the thistles.

Henceforth contraband shall be spurned and the book of grace opened." Buonespoir's eyes laughed like a summer sky, but he scratched his head and turned over the rose-stem in his mouth reflectively. "So be it, then, if it must be; but yesterday the Devon sea-sweeper, Francis Drake, overhauled me in my cottage, coming from the Queen, who had infused him of me.

Henceforth contraband shall be spurned and the book of grace opened." Buonespoir's eyes laughed like a summer sky, but he scratched his head and turned over the rose-stem in his mouth reflectively. "So be it, then, if it must be; but yesterday the Devon sea-sweeper, Francis Drake, overhauled me in my cottage, coming from the Queen, who had infused him of me.

"All this I throw aside, and go straight to God. All around us in natural thingsin the curve of that rose-stem and the passionate flush of its petalsin those white bells there, looking as if blown out of veined foamin the luscious scents that wind and linger round the garden, He has set, as in a language, the secrets of His being and ours, of our why and wherefore, if we could but read them.