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"Busy, grandpapa?" said Letty, and without waiting for an answer kissed his cheek with a pair of lips made on purpose for that little function, fine, but richly turned out, the corners tucked in with a finish of pretty dimples, the rose-bud lips of girlhood's June. The old gentleman looked at his granddaughter.

When her toilet was completed, Rose stood up before the long mirror, and a glow of pride came to her cheeks, as she saw how lovely she really was. "You's enough sight handsomer than Miss Jenny," whispered Sarah, as the door opened and Jenny appeared, more simply arrayed than her sister, but looking as fresh and blooming as a rose-bud.

To account for everything that seemed to contradict this perfection, his brain was prolific in inventions; till he was compelled at last to see that she was in the condition of a rose-bud, which, on the point of blossoming, had been chilled into a changeless bud by the cold of an untimely frost.

"There is, I know, no excuse for my conduct. Still, as you yourself know, our mothers' wish in the first instance..." "Destined us for each other, you would say. Quite true! And it was all to please Dame Neforis that you put your arms round me, under the acacias, and called me your own, your all, your darling, your rose-bud?

This one had nothing but that divine gift, and it made all her life joy. "Dance for me now in the cool," murmured Hamilton in the little fine curved ear with the rose-bud just over it.

Upon her head boards, in large gilt letters, he read "Bouton de Rose," Rose-button, or Rose-bud; and this was the romantic name of this aromatic ship. Though Stubb did not understand the Bouton part of the inscription, yet the word rose, and the bulbous figure-head put together, sufficiently explained the whole to him.

She thought she thought often in those days of that fancy of hers about calico-living. Was not that all that was left for her? Little dreary, figures, all just alike, like the chocolate morning-dress? O, the rose-bud and shimmer that might have been waiting somewhere! And O, the rose-bud and shimmer that were forever gone!

Perhaps there was some likeness, for Annie had the same bright eyes, and the same pouting, rose-bud lips but Margaret thought she was more like their own family. She loved to trace a resemblance in the smiling face, rich golden curls, and slight figure of Annie to her young sister Edith, who died when Annie was a little baby.

I have no doubt the poor fellow wears over his heart every rose-bud you ever gave him, and knows by rote every word of sympathy you ever said to him. And then that portrait, what volumes it tells of itself! Oh, Virginia, there is something exquisitely pathetic in the thought! But how fortunate too for you that we arrived when we did!

Come, sit down now, my lad why, you look as red as a rose-bud, and as if you had been running up and down hill the whole time you've been absent." "It is sharp work to come down such a hill as this on a trot. Well, here I am at your side; what would you wish to know?"