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Friedländer, Sittengeschichte Roms, iii. p. 315. Echraesanto de touto ou monon oi taes ekeinou summorias, alla kai oi tous apostolikois epomenoi dogmasi, taen taes sunthaekaes kakourgian ouk egnokotes, all' aplousteron hos suntomo to biblio chraesamenoi. Haer. iii. 11. 8. However, we can really do little more than note the resemblance: any theory we may form must be purely conjectural.

Peter, leading them into a land flowing with oil and wine. S. Cyprian, De Unitate Ecclesiæ. Gregorovius, i. 286. "Das Papstthum, vom Kaiser des Abendlandes befreit, erstand, und die Kirche Roms wuchs unter Trümmern mächtig empor. Sie trat an die Stelle des Reichs." Gregorovius, i. 200. St. Ignatius, Epistle to the Romans.

The various conjectures on the origin of the name Sulla are given by Drumann, Geschichte Roms, ii. p. 426. The name should be written Sulla, not Sylla. The coins have always Sulla or Sula. He was also Dictator, but in what year is uncertain. He was ejected from the Senate by the Censor C. Fabricius B.C. 275 for violating one of the sumptuary laws of Rome, or those which limited expense.

The island of Thasos, now Thaso, contains marble. The monument was a costly memorial, if the Attic talent was meant, which we must presume. Deiotarus was a friend of the Romans in their Asiatic wars against Mithridates, and the senate conferred on him the title of king. Plutarch makes the visit to Asia precede Cato's quæstorship, upon which see the remarks of Drumann, Geschichte Roms, v. 157.

I am seventy years of age, but I wish not to die in this chim, but yonder, far away, where both my roms are sleeping.

"You know, sir," said the Gipsy, "that we have two languages. For besides the Rummany, there's the reg'lar cant, which all tinkers talk." "Kennick you mean?" "Yes, sir; that's the Rummany for it. A 'dolly mort' is Kennick, but it's juva or rakli in Rummanis. It's a girl, or a rom's chi." "You say rom sometimes, and then rum." "There's rums and roms, sir.

More than this of the Gipsies in Egypt the deponent sayeth not. He has interrogated the oracles, and they were dumb. That there are Roms in the land of Mizr his eyes have shown, but whether any of them can talk Rommany is to him as yet unknown.

But though they were certainly Gipsies, none of them would speak Rommany, and I doubt very much if they could have done so. Other writers long before me attempted to investigate Egyptian Gipsy, but with no satisfactory result. Of these Roms he speaks as follows: "Gipsies are to be found in the entire Osmanli realm, from the limits of Hungary into Egypt.

The circumstances of the death of Cæsar are minutely stated by Drumann, Geschichte Roms, Julii, p. 728, &c. In his letters he speaks with exultation of the murder, and commends the murderers. But he was not let into the secret. They were afraid to trust him. He had abjectly humbled himself before Cæsar, who treated him with kind respect.

These and other acts of Pompeius should be remembered by those who are inclined to pity his fate. See Drumann, Geschichte Roms, ii. It took place in the Circus Flaminius, which was near the temple of Bellona. Plutarch here starts a question which suggests itself to all men who have had any experience.