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Our three friends, with two more men, their wives and children, form the whole population of the south end of the island at all events, perhaps twenty in all. I trod upon and broke flowering-branches of coral that you would have wondered at. Bellona likewise had a Maori-speaking population.

In a few minutes he returned, panting and breathless. "Well," said the king to him, "has an accident occurred?" "Yes, your majesty, not to anybody in the crowd, however. The statue of Bellona, which stood on the portal of the arsenal, has suddenly fallen from the roof." "Was it shattered?" asked the queen, whose cheeks had turned pale. "No, your majesty, but its right arm is broken."

"I have always loved the Swiss," she said, "because of their great bravery, their fidelity, and their excellent discipline. The Marechal de Bassompierre made his corps the perfection which it is; it is for you, my cousin, to maintain it." She passed into another apartment, where she was to be seen represented as Bellona.

"I hope if you are sent out to a foreign station where the children and I can live, that you will let us go too," said Lucy; "either to North America, or the Mediterranean, or Australia, or the Cape. I'm sure it will be one of these." Julia was equally pressing to be allowed to go out to any part of the world to which the Bellona might be sent, but Jack would wisely make no promises.

Dorothy, into whom, girl as she was, either Bellona or Diana, or both, had entered, was now thoroughly excited by the conflict she ruled, although she had not wasted a moment in watching it.

This figure is likewise adapted to excite the emotions and give sweetness to the expression. He has also Regression. This is when one puts forward two names of objects. Followed the thronging bands of Troy, by Mars and fierce Bellona led: she by the hand wild uproar held; while Mars a giant spear brandished aloft. The characteristic of this figure is variety and perspicuity.

With a groan, we who once belonged to her saw the old `Agamemnon' take the ground on the shoal I have spoken of; the `Bellona' and `Russel' touched also, but sufficiently within range to take part in the battle.

Well, then, the whole country was alive with war's alarums, the three kingdoms ringing with military music, and every man of merit paying his devoirs at the court of Bellona, whilst poor I was obliged to stay at home in my fustian jacket and sigh for fame in secret. Mr. Mick came to and fro from the regiment, and brought numerous of his comrades with him.

By nightfall the Bellona was out of sight of land, and Jack felt much more easy than he had done for several days. Although the rough seas had greatly delayed the engineer, he was at length able to report that the machinery was again in order. The wind also had fallen considerably, and the sea having much gone down, Jack hoped that he might at length get rid of his guests.

On the western side of the neck of the peninsula which forms the latter harbour is the military station of Stanley, where barracks have been erected, as it was supposed that it would prove a healthy position from being exposed to the south-west monsoon. The Bellona steamed up to an anchorage near Victoria. Among the ships in the harbour was the Empress, which Jack Rogers was destined to command.